Explore UAB

The UAB Informatics Institute (II) now inhabits the first floor of the Tinsley Harrison Research Tower. UAB President Dr. Ray Watts, UAB School of Medicine Dean Dr. Selwyn Vickers, and CCTS Director Dr. Robert Kimberly joined II Director Dr. James J. Cimino at the Grand Opening.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Watts observed the growing importance of information science in an era of ever-bigger databases as an impetus for the vision of an informatics institute at UAB. He also pointed to work in informatics being done across the campus and the need for informatics to support world-class 21st century research as additional rationales for establishing the institute. Dean Vickers agreed and added how excited he was to see the day arrive in which the Informatics Institute team could finally move in to its new space. Both noted the many hours it had taken to achieve this, including the recruitment of II Director Dr. Cimino in March 2015 and Associate Director Dr. Jake Chen in April 2016.

In his comments to the gathering, Dr. Cimino said the new location will help with recruitment as well as collaboration with other informatics groups at the UAB campus and within the broader CCTS partner network. He summarized the Institute’s goals as “nothing less than world-class informatics research that will lead to development of an E.H.R. with vastly improved usability for both clinicians and researchers, and training and educational programs that will produce next-generation informaticians.” The Institute’s new website is now live at www.informatics.uab.edu, and you can follow the Institute on Twitter @InformaticsUab

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(L to R) UAB President Dr. Ray Watts, UAB Informatics Institute Director Dr. James Cimino, CCTS Director Dr. Robert Kimberly, and UAB School of Medicine Dean Dr. Selwyn Vickers.
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Dr. Jacqueline Moss, UAB School of Nursing professor and assistant dean, Clinical Simulation and Technology,and UAB Informatics Institute Associate Director Dr. Jake Y. Chen.
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The new Informatics Institute features a conference room inside of the former Regions bank vault.