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Form NameDescription
Academic Appeal Form Use this form to request exception to the policies for registration, withdrawal, or payment deadlines or fees.
Accelerated Bachelors/Masters Degree Program Form Undergraduates applying to an ABM program need to submit this form to identify which courses will count as shared credit.
Acknowledgement of Non-Degree Policies All graduate non-degree seeking students will be required to read and sign this form prior to registration at UAB.
Application for Graduate Degree / Certificate The application must be submitted by the deadline date listed on our website; however, check with your department as some programs have earlier deadline dates (e.g. School of Education and Human Sciences). Upon submission of the application for degree/certificate, a fee will be assessed to your student account. This fee covers the verification of your curriculum requirements and your diploma (if earning a graduate degree) and will only be assessed the first time you apply to graduate. The fee for graduate degrees is $50 and the fee for graduate certificates is $20. Master's students in the School of Nursing should click here to locate the appropriate application for degree which should be submitted directly to
Application for Readmission to the Graduate Degree Program You can submit this application if you were admitted to a UAB graduate degree program within the last five years, have not registered for one or more years, and now wish to apply for readmission to the same program. *This form is not applicable to MSN and DNP students in the School of Nursing. Please direct questions to the School of Nursing at (205) 975-7529.
Best Practices for the Mentor/Mentee Relationship This document provides guiding principles to support the development of a positive relationship between a mentor and mentee.
Candidacy Application These forms and all required attachments must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School before you can register for research hours.
Change Non-Degree Seeking Credit to Degree-Seeking Credit Students who wish to convert non-degree credit (completed at UAB) to degree-seeking credit must complete this form and obtain the required signatures.
Change of Diploma Mailing Address Your diploma will be mailed to the address listed on your Application for Degree which was submitted as your intent to graduate. If there has been a change to your diploma mailing address, you must complete this form and return it to the Graduate School no later than your graduation date.
Change/Update Graduate Program Students who have been admitted to a degree-seeking program and want to switch to another degree-seeking program must complete this form and obtain the required signatures.
Showing 1 to 10 of total 29 entries

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