Academic Appeal Form |
Use this form to request exception to the policies for registration, withdrawal, or payment deadlines or fees. |
Accelerated Bachelors/Masters Degree Program Form |
Undergraduates applying to an ABM program need to submit this form to identify which courses will count as shared credit. |
Acknowledgement of Non-Degree Policies |
All graduate non-degree seeking students will be required to read and sign this form prior to registration at UAB. |
Application for Graduate Degree / Certificate |
The application must be submitted by the deadline date listed on our website; however, check with your department as some programs have earlier deadline dates (e.g. School of Education and Human Sciences). Upon submission of the application for degree/certificate, a fee will be assessed to your student account. This fee covers the verification of your curriculum requirements and your diploma (if earning a graduate degree) and will only be assessed the first time you apply to graduate. The fee for graduate degrees is $50 and the fee for graduate certificates is $20. Master's students in the School of Nursing should click here to locate the appropriate application for degree which should be submitted directly to |
Application for Readmission to the Graduate Degree Program |
You can submit this application if you were admitted to a UAB graduate degree program within the last five years, have not registered for one or more years, and now wish to apply for readmission to the same program. *This form is not applicable to MSN and DNP students in the School of Nursing. Please direct questions to the School of Nursing at (205) 975-7529. |
Best Practices for the Mentor/Mentee Relationship |
This document provides guiding principles to support the development of a positive relationship between a mentor and mentee. |
Candidacy Application |
These forms and all required attachments must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School before you can register for research hours. |
Change Non-Degree Seeking Credit to Degree-Seeking Credit |
Students who wish to convert non-degree credit (completed at UAB) to degree-seeking credit must complete this form and obtain the required signatures. |
Change of Diploma Mailing Address |
Your diploma will be mailed to the address listed on your Application for Degree which was submitted as your intent to graduate. If there has been a change to your diploma mailing address, you must complete this form and return it to the Graduate School no later than your graduation date. |
Change/Update Graduate Program |
Students who have been admitted to a degree-seeking program and want to switch to another degree-seeking program must complete this form and obtain the required signatures. |