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  • 1. When can I make my medical/dental/vision insurance effective if I am a new employee?

    As a new employee, you can make your medical/dental/vision insurance effective on your hire date. Bi-weekly employee medical/dental/vision premiums are split over the first and second paychecks. Premiums are tax-sheltered and are paying for current month’s coverage. Visit UAB for Me to enroll.

    You have 31 days from your hire date to elect coverage. If you fail to elect coverage within 31 days of your hire date, you must wait until Annual Open Enrollment or a qualifying life event.

    2. If I am not a new employee, when can I elect or cancel medical/dental/vision coverage?

    You can elect or cancel medical/dental/vision coverage for yourself and/or any eligible dependents within 31 days of a qualifying life event. Visit UAB for Me to elect or cancel your coverage.

    Qualifying life events include:

    • Marriage
    • Birth
    • Adoption or placement for adoption
    • Involuntary loss of other coverage

    The effective date of the election would be the date of the qualifying life event. If you fail to enroll within 31 days of the qualifying event, you must wait until Annual Open Enrollment.

    3. What is Annual Open Enrollment?

    Annual Open Enrollment allows employees to enroll, cancel, or change their medical, dental, or vision coverage. During this time employees also can re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts if they wish to participate in the next year. Open Enrollment is normally held during the month of October. All elections made during Open Enrollment are effective January 1 of the new year.

    4. How do I sign up for my benefits?

    Enroll in benefits online using the UAB for Me portal. You may review the UAB for Me Instruction Sheet for more information on how to access the enrollment system.

    5. How do I change my beneficiaries?

    Update your beneficiaries online using the UAB for Me portal. You may change your beneficiary at any time. It is your responsibility to ensure your beneficiary designation is up to date.

    Beneficiary changes for Voluntary Retirement and/or Mandatory Retirement must be made directly with the company. Contact information can be found in the UAB for Me portal.

    6. What dependent documentation is required for coverage?

    For Spouse: A copy of your marriage certificate or common law affidavit AND a copy of the front page of your filed federal tax return confirming this dependent as a spouse or documentation dated within the last six months establishing financial interdependence.

    For Children/Incapacitated Dependents: A copy of the child’s birth certificate naming you, your spouse or your sponsored adult dependent as the child's parent or appropriate court order/adoption decree naming you, your spouse or your sponsored adult dependent as the child's legal guardian AND if applicable, a copy of a divorce decree granting full or joint custody OR, if applicable, a copy of a court-issued Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) or other court order where you or your spouse are required to provide health care.

    For disabled dependents, you must also provide a copy of your most recently filed federal tax return confirming this child as a dependent AND a copy of the Social Security Administration approval for disability benefits. The incapacitation must have commenced prior to the child's reaching age 26 and the child must have been as a Covered Dependent immediately prior to attaining age 26.

    7. I am terminating (other than retiring). What must I do in regards to my benefits?

    Employees who are terminating from the University (other than retiring) must complete an Employee Exit Survey. Once your Exit Survey is complete, please contact the Benefits department to discuss your benefits. You will be given the opportunity to complete forms related to the Teacher’s Retirement System and various other benefit conversion options, if you are eligible, at the time of termination.

    8. I am ready to service retire with TRS. What should I do?

    Making the decision to service retire with Teacher's Retirement (TRS) is a big decision in a person's life. The first step is to speak with TRS to confirm your eligibility date. Eligibility criteria is different for Tier 1 and Tier 2 emploees (see Retirement section).

    For Tier 1, you must have at least 10 years of creditable service with TRS and be 60 years of age, or have 25 years of creditable service with TRS at any age. For Tier 2, you must have at least 10 years of creditable service with TRS and be 62 years of age. The Benefits Office can assist you with determining the earliest date you are eligible to retire.

    You must retire on the first of a month (example: August 1). Application must be made in the Benefits office no earlier than 90 days prior to and no later than 30 days from your retirement date. Appointments may be made at any time with a member of the Benefits staff by calling (205) 934-3458.

    Once you confirm with Benefits you are ready to retire, our office will help you complete an application for retirement. This application must be received at TRS no later than 30 days prior to your retirement date. It is your responsibility to ensure timely completion of your application to retire. You will be required to list a beneficiary for your retirement monies; therefore it is important to bring the beneficiary's name, address, and social security number. The Benefits staff member will also review all of your current benefits and any plans you are eligible to convert or keep upon retirement.

    Once TRS receives your retirement application, they will mail your retirement options and a PEEHIP medical insurance application to your home address. PEEHIP is medical insurance that is available to employees who service retire with TRS. When you receive these forms from TRS, you will need to schedule a second appointment with Benefits. We will explain your income options, notarize which retirement option you choose, certify your PEEHIP medical insurance application (if applicable), and keep a copy for our files.

  • 1. What is a 1095-C form?

    IRS form 1095-C is an annual employee health insurance tax statement, provided by employers to employees who are eligible for health insurance as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All employees who were eligible for health insurance as defined by ACA will receive a 1095-C regardless of whether they participated in a UAB health insurance plan.

    The 1095-C is comprised of three parts:

    • Part I: Identifying information about the employee and the employer
    • Part II: Information about the employer’s offer of group health coverage
    • Part III: Information about the employer health coverage, including names, and Social Security numbers of the employee and his or her covered dependents (note only self-insured plans are required to list covered dependents)

    2. Why did I receive this form?

    Under the Affordable Care Act, employers are required to provide form 1095-C to employees who are eligible for health insurance as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All employees who were eligible for health insurance as defined by ACA will receive a 1095-C regardless of whether they participated in a UAB health insurance plan.

    3. When will I receive the 1095-C form?

    This year the 1095-C form is scheduled to be postmarked and mailed by January 31, 2024. Eligible employees receive the form at their home address.

    4. Are the 1095 forms required to file my taxes?

    No. The 1095 forms are not required to file your 2023 taxes. However, it is highly recommended that you retain this form with your tax records. The form verifies whether you had employer sponsored health coverage during the year. The IRS may ask you to send a copy of this form, along with your W-2 form if you are audited.

    5. My spouse and/or dependent(s) file their own taxes but are covered under my health insurance. Will they receive a copy of the 1095-C form?

    Only the employee will receive a copy of the Form 1095-C. However, dependents on your health plan who file their own taxes will need a copy for their tax records. You may provide a copy of your form to your dependents; an official reprint is not necessary.

    6. What should I do with this form?

    You should retain this form with your tax records. The IRS may ask you to send a copy of this form, along with your W-2 form if you are audited.

    7. What do I do with the 1095-C form if I have already filed my taxes?

    You should retain this form with your tax records. If the IRS audited your tax return you may be asked to send a copy of this form.

    8. How do I get another copy of the 1095-C form if I have misplaced the form?

    Contact UAB Benefits at benefits@uab.edu or 205-934-3458.