2024 1R01 RFA
The landscape for securing extramural funding is competitive. A pinnacle achievement is to become a multi-R01 funded investigator, and it is highly beneficial for an investigator to have seed funding for the next great idea to be competitive in this funding environment. The UAB Heersink School of Medicine invites applications for seed funding to move a one-R01 funded investigator to a two-R01 investigator.
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Workforce Empowerment (WE) Award for Faculty Recruitment and Retention
WE Faculty Recruitment and Retention awards are intended to augment recruitment and retention packages for outstanding, highly funded faculty underrepresented in biomedical research in the Heersink SOM ranked at the Assistant Professor level or higher. These monies are intended to foster growth as assessed by increased extramural support to UAB and by an increase in research employees who are supported, in part or whole, by extramural resources. An important goal of these resources is to increase the number of faculty underrepresented in biomedical research in the Heersink SOM and provide a support structure for their success.
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Multi-Investigator Planning Grant
The Multi-Investigator Planning Grant is an exploratory/developmental grant application for the establishment of infrastructure related to eventual applications for multi-investigator research programs.
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HSF General Endowment Fund Grant
HSF-GEF grants are intended to enhance the infrastructure of Academic Health Center’s Patient-Oriented and Laboratory Research efforts, Clinical Care Program Development, Medical Education Initiatives, and for university-wide projects by providing funding from the Health Services Foundation’s General Endowment Fund.
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Pittman Scholars
The Pittman Scholars program, named for the late James A. Pittman, recognizes the contributions of junior faculty who are nominated by their department chairs based on research achievements and their potential for continued discovery. Nominees must be assistant professors who have held that rank for fewer than five years.
Read more about the Pittman scholars program.
The IMPACT awards are intended to augment recruitment and retention packages for outstanding, highly-funded faculty ranked at the assistant professor level or higher.
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Bridge Funding
Bridge funding provides some continuing research support due to uncertainties in external funding.
Outcomes/Health Disparities Faculty Recruitment and Retention Program
Outcomes/Health Disparities Faculty Recruitment and Retention awards are intended to augment recruitment and retention packages for outstanding, highly funded Outcomes/Health Disparities faculty ranked at the Assistant Professor level or higher. These monies are intended to foster growth as assessed by increased extramural support to UAB and by an increase in research employees who are supported, in part or whole, by extramural resources. An important goal of these resources is to increase the number of Outcomes/Health Disparities faculty in the Heersink School of Medicine, and provide a support structure for their success.
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