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Primary Faculty

  • Beas, Sofia, Ph.D.

    beasAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: 
    Elucidating the neuronal processes that guide motivation

  • Brenner, Michael, Ph.D.

    brennerProfessor Emeritus
    Research Areas: 
    Transcriptional regulation of GFAP, development of GFAP promoters for transgene expression in astrocytes, and GFAP mutations as a cause of Alexander disease 

  • Crowder, Camerron, Ph.D.

    crowder Assistant Professor
    Research Areas: 
    Neurodevelopment, Precision Medicine, Molecular Mechanisms of Rare disease, Axonal transport, Gene editing, Drug screening, Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE)

  • Cruikshank, Scott, Ph.D.

    ScottCruikshankAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: 
    Synaptic and cellular organization and processing in the neocortex and thalamus, with an emphasis on sensory systems

  • Cummings, Kirstie, Ph.D.

    CummingsAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: 
    Learning and memory, fear, reward, GABAergic engrams, experience-dependent plasticity, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder, NMDA receptors

  • Day, Jeremy J., Ph.D.

    Jeremy DayAssociate Professor
    Vice Chair for Strategic Planning and Recruitment
    Director, Comprehensive Neuroscience Center
    Michael J. Fiedlander, PhD Heersink Endowed Professorship
    Research Areas: Neurogenetics, substance use disorders, learning and memory, epigenetics, gene regulation and gene editing

  • Garner, Mary Anne, Ph.D.

    GarnerAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: 

  • Gavin, Cristin, Ph.D.

    gavin 150x150Associate Professor
    Vice Chair for Education
    Co-Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
    Co-Director, Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)
    Associate Scientist, Civitan International Research Center
    Research Areas: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of structural and functional plasticity; memory; mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disabilities

  • Gross, Alecia K., Ph.D.

    gavin 150x150Professor
    Vice Chair for Research and Research Infrastructure
    Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Development, HSOM
    Research Areas: Molecular mechanisms of retinal degenerations; protein trafficking in photoreceptors and neurons; disk cytoskeletal regulation in the retina

  • Hablitz, John J., Ph.D.

    jhablitzProfessor Emeritus
    Research Areas: 
    Neurodevelopment and developmental disabilities; ion channels and synaptic function

  • Heinsbroek, Jasper, Ph.D.

    Jasper HeinsbroekAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: Circuit mechanisms that regulate motivated behavior and addiction with a specific focus on subcircuits in the interconnected nuclei of the ventral basal ganglia.

  • Ianov, Lara, Ph.D.

    IanovAssistant Professor
    Managing Director, UAB Biological Data Science Core (U-BDS)
    Research Areas: Transcriptomics, epigenomics, computational biology, pipeline and workflow development

  • Li, Wei, Ph.D.

    Wei LiAssistant Professor
    Research Areas:
     Synaptic transmission and plasticity, neurotrophins, neuron-glia interaction, motor and social behavior, neurodevelopmental disorders

  • Lubin, Farah, Ph.D., FAES

    Farah LubinDistinguished Professor
    Vice Chair of Trainee Engagement and Development
    Triton Endowed Professorship in Neurobiology
    Director, NINDS Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Program
    Director, T32 Training Program in Cognition & Cognitive Disorders
    Research Areas: Learning, memory and synaptic plasticity; epigenetics, non-coding RNAs; gene transcription; epilepsy disorders; Alzheimer's disease; neurodevelopment and developmental disabilities

  • Luikart, Bryan, Ph.D.

    Research Areas: 
    Neurodevelopment, neurophysiology, intracellular signaling, autism

  • Newsom, Cassandra, Psy.D.

    NewsomAssociate Professor
    Director, Civitan Translational ASD/NDD Research Core
    Research Areas: Autism

  • Overstreet-Wadiche, Linda, Ph.D.

    Linda WadicheProfessor
    Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs and Development
    Research Areas: Neurodevelopment and developmental disabilities; learning, memory and synaptic plasticity; ion channels and synaptic function; neurotransmitter and neurotrophin receptors and cell signaling

  • Peters, Jamie, Ph.D.

    Jamie PetersAssociate Professor
    Research Areas: Preclinical behavioral pharmacology using rodent self-administration models of addiction, optogenetic and chemogenetic dissection of neural circuit function, neural circuitry and mechanisms underlying extinction memory, and the intersection of aversion and reward in systems neuroscience.

  • Powell, Craig, M.D., Ph.D.

    Director, Civitan International Research Center
    Chair, Department of Neurobiology
    Virginia B. Spencer Endowed Chair
    Research Areas: Autism, intellectual disability, cognitive dysfunction

  • Roth, Jonathan, Ph.D.

    Roth headshotAssistant Professor
    Research Areas: Biology of neurodegeneration and dementias; circadian dysfunction; therapeutic drug development and behavioral interventions.

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