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Four UAB Pathology faculty and one fellow were elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (AΩA) at University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine for 2024. Brandi McCleskey, M.D., Frida Rosenblum, M.D., Vishnu Reddy, M.D., and Paul Benson, M.D., were selected as Alpha Omega Alpha Faculty members for the year, and Sarah Anderson, D.O., Surgical Pathology Fellow, was selected as a fellow. 
AOA Graphic2024 (AΩA) Awardees (clockwise from top left): Drs. Brandi McCleskey, Frida Rosenblum, Sarah Anderson, Paul Benson and Vishnu Reddy

AΩA was founded in 1902 as an organization dedicated to honoring academic achievement, professionalism and exceptional teaching in the field of medicine. A member of AΩA espouses the commitment to leadership, scholarship, professionalism and service in the medical field. There are currently 132 chapters in medical schools in the United States, and more than 200,000 members have been elected since the society's founding. About 4,000 students, alumni, house staff, and faculty are elected each year. AΩA is a leading advocate for scholarly attainment and moral purpose in medicine.

Brandi McCleskey is an associate professor of Forensic Pathology and the UAB Pathology Residency Program Director. Paul Benson is an associate professor of Anatomic Pathology. Frida Rosenblum is an associate profess of Anatomic Pathology, and Vishnu Reddy is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine. Sarah stayed on after her residency at UAB Pathology to complete a surgical pathology fellowship with us.

The reception was held Thursday, March 14, at The Club overlooking downtown Birmingham.
Brandi PaulPictured: Drs. Brandi McCleskey and Paul Benson at the reception.