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Bailey_Shannon.jpgA case submitted to the journal Gastro Hep Advances by Goo Lee, M.D. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anatomic Pathology, was published in the April issue as an, "Image of the Month." The case, titled, "Tuberculous Colitis Accompanied By a Large Colonic Mass," is featured online.

"Tuberculous colitis belongs to a form of inflammatory/infectious intestinal disorder caused by Mycobacterium species," Lee explains.

"The case reported here is exceptional, as typically it manifests as an uncreative lesion in the intestine. However, this instance presents a well-formed pedunculated polyp that mimics a neoplastic process. The diagnosis was confirmed through histopathologic and microbiologic examinations of the resected polyp, and the patient responded very well to anti-tuberculous medications."

Citation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772572324000542?via%3Dihub