Explore UAB

Janene Sims headshot.

Associate Professor
Supervisor, Primary Care Residency

HPB 510

Schedule a UAB Eye Care Appointment: (205) 975-2020

Teaching/research interests: Introduction to clinic, compulink, primary care optometry, community eye care, vision screenings, providing eye care and education to underserved areas

Office hours: By appointment


  • AS, Middle Georgia College, Biology
  • BS, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Biology
  • OD, UAB School of Optometry
  • PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Vision Science

I love introducing others to the field of optometry. My hometown OD challenged me to look into the profession, and I have been hooked ever since. Keeping with that tradition, I attend college, career and health fairs to promote ocular health and recruit students into health careers.

Recent courses taught:

  • Introduction to Clinic (OPT 227)

Academic distinctions and professional societies:  

  • Fellow, American Academy of Optometry
  • Member, American Optometric Association
  • Member, National Optometric Association

UAB/Area student groups you participate in:

  • Advisor, National Optometric Student Association
  • UAB Equity Advisor

Clinical specialties/areas of expertise:

As a member of the Community Eye Care team, I instruct interns on how to conduct pediatric and adult vision screenings as well as how to conduct full exams during mobile eye clinics at various locations in Alabama.

If you are a clinician, in what UAB Eye Care clinic do you provide care?

  • Primary Care
  • Community Eye Care (Western Health Center)