UAB Recycling

UAB Recycling Center
The UAB Recycling Center is open to UAB faculty, staff, students, and the general public. Please bring clean, recyclable materials during the scheduled service hours for drop-off.
Service Hours: 7-9 a.m. & 4-5:30 p.m., Monday & Thursday.
Address: 620 11th St. South
Accepted Items
- Aluminum (soda, beer) - place in the green compactor.
- Steel (soup, tuna, veggies, etc.) place in the gray labeled tote in front of the green compactor.
Paper Products
- Clean recyclable paper products.
- Shredded paper must be bagged.
- Boxes should be flattened.
Plastic Bottles
- Empty and rinsed #1 bottles and cups only
Used Cooking Oil/Grease
- Place in the white shed at the drop off entrance.
- Empty jugs on top, full jugs on bottom.
Unaccepted Items
- Glass
- Automotive Products
- Hazardous Waste
- Ammunition
- Stickers or labels by themselves
- Greasy/food contaminated paper (Pizza boxes, etc.)
- Plastic bags, plates or utensils
- 6-pack rings
- Plastic that shatters
- Styrofoam

Paper is collected throughout the campus in 96 gallon rolling totes labeled "paper recycling only." No food, beverage, or grease contaminated paper are accepted. The following paper items can be placed in the paper collection totes:
- Office Paper of any color
- Newspapers
- Cardboard boxes (cardboard must be flattened)
- Magazines
- Phone Books
- Other common paper items (paper bags, mail, envelopes, folders)

Aluminum Cans
Aluminum cans are collected throughout the campus in the green containers known as half-gluttons. By recycling cans, you are helping to conserve energy and reducing material going to Alabama landfills.
*Steel food cans (soup, tuna, etc) are not accepted with aluminum cans, but may be taken to the Drop-Off Center. Aluminum foil & food pans are considered trash; please dispose of them properly.

Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles are collected throughout the campus in the same half-gluttons as cans. The plastics industry has developed a coding system to help consumers identify different types of plastic resins used in packaging. The codes can be found on the bottom or sides of most plastic containers.
UAB currently only accepts #1 plastics in bottle form.
UAB does not accept 6-pack rings, utensils, plates, bags by themselves or any other plastics. Plastic shopping bags can be recycled at various stores such as Publix & Wal-Mart.
UAB Recycling has partnered with Protec Recycling to provide electronics recycling. Electronics will be accepted by appointment only by calling 934-WORK (9675). Some items may not be accepted at the recycling center, but can be taken directly to Protec Recycling.
Accepted Items
- PCs including laptops & tablets
- Servers
- Cell phones and telephones
- Satellite/Cable Boxes
- Gaming systems & components
- Stereos
- Copiers
- Printers
- VCRs & DVD Players
- Remote Controls
- MP3 Players
- A/C adapters
- LCD Monitors
- Disk Drives
- Rechargeable batteries
- Speakers
- Cameras
- Modems/Routers
- CD Players
- Fax Machines
- Switches/Firewalls
- UPS’s/Battery backups
- Keyboards/Mice Cables/Wires
- ...and other similar items
Unaccepted Items
- Broken, leaking or corroded batteries.
- Mercury Containing thermostats, thermometers, etc
- Lightbulbs
- Paint, adhesives, caulk, solvents or thinners
- Items too large to safely handle. Anything that would break a pallet or cannot be loaded onto a truck and moved around a warehouse
- Flammable or combustible materials
- Liquids of any kind
- Pressurized containers
- Household refuse
Items Not Accepted at UAB, But Accepted by Protec Recycling
These items must be taken directly to Protec:
- CRT Computer Monitors *
- TVs (CRT*, Plasma, LCD, LED)
- Hard drives including external*
- Large items too big to fit through the shed door.
- Items too heavy to move safely by hand.
Printer Ink and Toner Cartridges
Those on campus who want to participate in the ink and toner recycling program should place used toner or ink cartridges in the box for the new cartridge — or the old box, if they saved it — and put it into the Campus Mail as if it were outgoing mail. Campus Mail will take these items to Shipping and Receiving. When there is a full shipment, the cartridges will be sent to PCR America, which will refill the cartridges for sale as remanufactured cartridges. Business and Auxiliary Services uses the money received from recycling the cartridges to fund future sustainability projects.
Note: Hospital locations must follow a different procedure. Staples, Inc., will pick up spent toner cartridges in hospital areas. Cartridges should be placed back into a box (generally the one that the new cartridge came in). When Staples makes their routine deliveries to your department, the driver will pick up any used cartridges and take them with them. Please do not leave cartridges by the mailboxes in our public areas, instead give them to the delivery staff when they are in your area.