The Administrative Core assures the effectiveness of the DRC in meeting the center's stated goals and specific aims. The goal of the Administrative Core is to assure the growing vitality of an intellectual community and a highly productive research program in diabetes by effective deployment of DRC resources for the benefit of our investigators, patients, and trainees.
- Ensure the effectiveness of the Biomedical and Prevention and Control Research Core Facilities
- Optimize training and educational opportunities for our students, post-docs, and clinical trainees and promote outreach and dissemination of knowledge
The Administrative Core is responsible for the scientific, education/enrichment, and fiscal operations of the DRC and will oversee and manage the functions listed below.
- Pilot and Feasibility Grant Program
- Enrichment Program
- Coordination of meetings of the external and internal advisory committees and the DRC Leadership Committee and implementation of committee recommendations.
- Management of the DRC membership, a process that will involve voting by the Leadership Committee.
The Administrative Core is also responsible for the network of DRC communications and Web site, regular notices of funding opportunities and upcoming scientific meetings, organization and sponsorship of enrichment programs and the research seminar/visiting professor series, bookkeeping, progress reports, quality control and evaluation, interface with NIH/NIDDK, and responsible fiscal management and regulatory compliance in collaboration with university fiscal officers.

Director: W. Timothy Garvey, M.D.
Webb 616A
1675 University Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone:(205) 996-7433
Fax: (205) 934-7049

Co-Director: Stuart J. Frank, M.D.
Boshell 861
1808 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: (205) 934-9877
Fax: (205) 934-4389

Program Director II: Rachelle Lawhorn
Webb 610
1675 University Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: (205) 996-7433
Fax: (205) 934-7049