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UABTeach Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics
Heritage Hall building in the background with four UABTeach icons (engineering - three grears, math - Pi symbol, science - microscope, technology - robot arm).


The UABTeach curriculum consists of 21 credit hours of UABTeach coursework as well as coursework required for your STEM major. Upon successful completion of the program, you will obtain a bachelor's degree, a teaching certification, and a STEM Education minor.

UABTeach Coursework

You can take the first two UABTeach courses without fully committing to the program! Just enroll in the first 1-hour course, EHS 125.

Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching
Following an introduction to the theory and practice behind excellent inquiry-based science and mathematics instruction, candidates teach lessons in elementary classrooms to obtain firsthand experience in planning and implementation. Step 1 counts as a First Year Experience course at UAB. (EHS 125, 1 hour)

Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
After observing a lesson taught in a local school district classroom, students work alone or in pairs to plan and teach three inquiry-based lessons to sixth, seventh, or eighth graders. (EHS 126, 1 hour)

Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science
Students begin by considering what standards for knowing are to be used, how knowing and learning are structured, and how what is known changes and develops. (EHS 325, 3 hours)

Perspectives on Science and Mathematics
This course explores the intellectual, social, and cultural history of science and mathematics from the Renaissance to the present. (HY 275, 3 hours)
Science, Knowledge, and Reality
Science; its nature, scope, and significance. Scientific reasoning; science as a social institution; ethical issues in science. (PHL 270, 3 hours)

Classroom Interactions
The course is centered around a close examination of the interplay between teachers, students, and subject content, and how these types of interactions enable students to develop deep conceptual understanding. (EHS 326, 3 hours)

Project-Based Instruction
During this course, a number of the major principles and themes of the UABTeach program are synthesized as students develop an intellectually challenging project-based instructional unit. (EHS 327, 3 hours)

Apprentice Teaching
The purpose of Apprentice Apprentice Teaching is designed as a culminating experience that provides students with the tools needed to become a successful educator. (EHS 425 and EHS 426, 7 hours)

STEM Major Coursework

You must also successfully complete the required courses for your chosen STEM field. These requirements are listed in the programs of study checklists on the UAB School of Education and Human Sciences website.

Find the program of study checklist that corresponds to your major
Scroll down to UABTeach at the bottom.

Please contact your major advisor for complete details about STEM majors, or the UABTeach academic coach for further details about UABTeach.

You have the option of majoring in one of the following STEM areas:
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Biophysics
  • Cancer Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry — Chemical Education track
  • Computer Science
  • Genetics and Genomic Sciences
  • Immunology
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Neuroscience
  • Mathematics
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mathematics Middle School Mathematics
  • Physics