Explore UAB

We work across almost all units on campus and throughout all of Advancement to share, both externally and internally, the impact of giving to UAB. Our team of writers, editors, and designers works to prepare proposals for potential donors, creates marketing campaigns for different Advancement units, writes donor features, and stewards donors of all levels.

Contact Us

Contact us at (205) 934-2392 or at advcomms@uab.edu.


Executive Director, Advancement Communications & Donor Relations

Katie McDowell

(205) 934-2392 kmcdow@uab.edu Communications


Stewardship Manager Donor Relations and Engagement

Emily Bridges

(205) 975-0730 bridgeem@uab.edu Communications
Director of Communications Marketing and Communications

Lauren Cooper

(205) 996-5600 cooperlb@uab.edu Communications
Stewardship Communications Specialist Donor Relations and Engagement

Jessica Jones

(205) 996-7317 jtjones7@uab.edu Communications
Writer Marketing and Communications

Emma Lang

(205) 934-6518 erlang@uab.edu Communications
Assistant Director of Communications Marketing and Communications

Walt Lewellyn

(205) 996-7030 wllewell@uab.edu Communications
Writer Donor Relations and Engagement

Joyanna Love

(205) 975-4826 jlove4@uab.edu Communications
Graphic Designer Marketing and Communications

Kevin Van Hyning

(205) 934-5568 kvh@uab.edu Communications

Give Online

Make a gift online, give through payroll deduction, or contact us to discuss the impact your gift could have on UAB.


Give By Phone

(205) 934-7242


Give By Mail

UAB Gift Records
AB 1230, 1720 2nd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0112