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Jeffrey E. Hall

Jeffrey E. Hall (PhD, MSPH, 2003) is the Deputy Director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Hall’s work at CDC focuses on topics across the life span, including infant homicide, youth and young adult violence, and elder abuse. His professional interests include:

  • applications of developmental epidemiology and social psychology within violence prevention,
  • structural and environmental methods for reducing violence-related health disparities, and
  • community-based models for violence surveillance, research, and prevention.

He is the team lead of the Morbidity and Behavioral Surveillance Team. He has served as Principal Investigator for the CDC School-Associated Violent Death Study, Chair of the CDC Aging and Health Work Group, Chair of the DVP Youth Violence Work Group, and co-chair of the Violence Prevention Committee of the American Public Health Association’s Injury Control and Emergency Health Services Section.

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