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SSI III: Student Research Internship

The Student Research Internship Program, SSI, is a scientific enrichment experience for rising seniors. A favorable recommendation from the students previous summer's Advanced Principles of Biology and Neurobiology facilitator is the major acceptance criteria.

The Research Internship is an intensive eight-week, five-day per week (8pm - 5pm) advanced laboratory and seminar experience in scientific research. Students will refresh their knowledge of biomedical laboratory techniques during an intensive week-long orientation, and utilize skills learned in Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology and Advanced Principles of Biology and Neurobiology to conduct an eight-week independent project under the direction of a UAB research faculty member. In addition to laboratory research, students are also required to participate in educational workshops and scientific seminars as well as tours of UAB scientific facilities. Students are also required to give an individual professional quality poster presentation of their original laboratory research results at the Closing Ceremony.

Participating departments include: Anesthesiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Cardiovascular Medicine, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geographic Medicine, Gerontology, Pediatrics, Physiological Optics, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology.


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