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BioTeach Classroom Modules

BioTeach classroom modules are organized collections of materials and supplies for use in the high school classroom by teachers who have completed BioTeach for Teachers.

BioTeach modules contain state-of-the-art equipment that is generally not available in high school laboratories. Because the equipment is shared by many schools, modules are a cost-effective method of making modern equipment and techniques available to many students.

Each module is equipped with all instruments, supplies, and reagents necessary to perform a given experiment in the classroom.


Currently four BioTeach modules are available:

Module 1: Measurements and Growth: An Introduction to Molecular Techniques
Module 2: Ultraviolet Mutagenesis
Module 3: DNA-Mediated Transformation of Bacteria

Thousands of students are impacted by BioTeach modules every year.

Teachers are also encouraged to use the equipment for experiments designed by their class.

BioTeach modules make it possible for many students to do experiments that require several class sessions. Typically, a teacher uses a module with multiple biology classes, making modules particularly attractive to teachers who teach several classes and are not able to bring all of their classes to the GENEius Program at McWane Science Center.

For more information contact:
Center for Community OutReach Development
The University of Alabama Birmingham
933 19th Street South (CHSB 503)
Birmingham, AL 35294-2041
Phone - (205) 934-5171
Fax - (205) 934-5158
Email - CCORD@uab.edu