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    High Resolution Imaging Facility at UAB

Digital Microscopy & Light Microscopy: Shelby Building Room 136D

DigitalImagingCore The HRIF contains several advanced, digital, fluorescence and light Microscopes which can be used to image cells and tissue.  The Light microscopes are ideal for imaging cells and tissue that have histological stains.  (I.e. Lung, Brain, Spleen, etc.)

Nikon Diaphot.  Shelby 135B

This scope has fluorescence and brightfield capabilities with a wide range of magnifications from 2.5x to 100x.  It’s primarily used for doing Brightfield, DIC, and Phase imaging.  Notably, it can be used with the Q-Imaging Color camera for imaging histological stained sections and.  The Diaphot Objectives have a long working distance and may be able to penetrate the plastic of certain Petri dishes that most other microscopes cannot, for that reason it is very useful for looking at live cells which have fluorescence.

Nikon SMZ-U Stereo/Dissection Scope.  Shelby 135B

This microscope is great for imaging large slices of of lung, brain, and other large tissue samples that require magnification below 3x.  It has the capability to do Fluorescence but is mostly use for Brightfield applications.  In conjunction with the Q-Imaging High Res. Color camera it can image a variety of large scale samples for densitometry and quantitative purposes.

The Leica DRMB Fluorescent/Light Microscope (10x, 20x, 40x, 60x, Plan Apo Objectives) can be used for quick fluorescence viewing, pictures of light and fluorescence.  Ideal for imaging H&E stains of cells and tissue in conjuction with the Q-Imaging Color Camera.