Effective fall 2016, standard tuition payment deadlines for all UAB graduate and undergraduate students will be as follows.

All UAB students will be required to:

  • Have 100 percent of their account balance paid by the payment deadline, one week prior to first day of the term; or
  • Participate in the Blazer Flex Plan, having 100 percent of their account paid by the three payment deadlines.


For additional information on the following, contact:

UAB Scholarships
Office of Financial Aid
206-934-8223 or scholarships@uab.edu
Veterans Benefits
Veterans Affairs
205-934-8804 or veteransaffairs@uab.edu
Student Accounting
UAB Dependent Benefits
Benefits Office
205-934-3458 or benefits@uab.edu
Outside Scholarships
Office of Financial Aid
205-934-8223 or scholarships@uab.edu
Office of Financial Aid
205-934-8223 or finaid@uab.edu

Students may refer any additional questions to 205-934-4300 or onestop@uab.edu.

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Cost & Aid