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Nutrition Sciences
anna head shot
Webb Building
e-mail: aranna@uab.edu
OfficePhone: 205.934.4098
Primary Mentor:  Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, PhD, RD
Seconday Mentors:  Laura Rogers, MD and Julie Locher, PhD

Anna Arthur holds a BS in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University and an MPH in Nutrition/Dietetics from the Unviersity of Michigan School of Public Health (UM-SPH). She also completed the UM-SPH dietetic internship program and is a Registered Dietitian (RD). Dr. Arthur earned her PhD in Nutritional Sciences (subplan in Nutritional Epidemiology) from UM-SPH in 2013, becoming the first graduate of the doctoral program in Human Nutrition. Her dissertation research, entitled, "The role of diet in the pathogenesis and prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma"  was conducted in collaboration with UM's NCI-funded Head and Neck Specialized Program of Research Excellence and supported by a Fellowship in Nutrition and Oral Health from Colgate-Palmolive and the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics.

Dr. Arthur combines her research training in nutritional and cancer epidemiology and public health with her clinical training as an RD to explore the role of diet in determining cancer-related outcomes and biomarkers. Her research focuses particularly on how dietary patterns and energy balance may influence cancer recurrence, survival, and quality of life, as well as biomarkers of progression and prognosis such as inflammation and DNA methylation. She has received internal funding through the UAB Palliative Research Enhancement Project to test the feasibility of a post-treatment dietary intervention for head and neck cancer survivors.

Selected Publications:

Arthur AE, Peterson KE, Shen J, Djuric Z, Taylor JMG, Hebert JR, Duffy SA, Peterson LA, Bellile EL, Whitfield JR, Chepeha DB, Schipper MJ, Wolf GT, Rozek LS. Diet and proinflammatory cytokine levels in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer, 2014 Sep 1; 120(17):2704-12.

Arthur AE, Peterson KE, Rozek LS, Taylor JM, Light E, Chepeha DB, Hebert JR, Terrell JE, Wolf GT, Duffy SA. Pretreatment dietary patterns, weight status, and prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Clin Nutr, 2013 Feb;97(2):360-368.

Colacina JA*, Arthur AE*, Dolinoy DC, Sartor MA, Duffy SA, CHepeha DB, Bradford CR, Walline HM, McHugh JB, D'Silva N, Carey TE, Wolf GT, Taylor JMG, Peterson KE, Rozek LS. Dietary intake is associated with tumor suppressor DNA methylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Epigenetics, 2012 Aug;7(*):883-91.
*These authors contributed equally to the manuscript

Arthur AE, Duffy SA, Sanchez GI, Gruber SB, Terrell JE, Hebert JR, Light E, Bradford CR, D'Silva NJ, Carey TE, Wolf GT, Peterson KE, Rozek LS. Higher micronutrient intake is associated with human papillomavirus-positive head and neck cancer: a case-only analysis. Nutr Cancer, 2011;63(5):734-42

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