Explore UAB

e-mail: fruge@uab.edu
Office Phone: 205.996.7367adf
Department: Nutrition Sciences
Primary Mentor:
     Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, PhD, RD
Secondary Mentor:
     Casey Morrow, PhD

PhD, Mississippi State University, 2014
MS, Auburn University, 2008
MBA, Mississippi State University, 2007
BBA, Harding University, 2006

Drew is a registered dietitian whose PhD research investigated the relationship between energy balance and metabolic syndrome, focusing on the role of diet and exercise on inflammation and insulin resistance. As a postdoctoral fellow in the R25 Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program he delivers and assesses diet and lifestyle interventions in cancer patients and survivors under the mentorship of Dr. Wendy Demark-Wahnefried. Drew is currently contributing to several feasibility trials: the Harvest for Health vegetable gardening interventions to improve physical function in cancer survivors, two presurgical weight loss trials evaluating the effects of diet and exercise on tumor proliferation rate, and a trial to decrease head and neck cancer recurrence risk through diet modification. Drew has been collaborating with Dr. Casey Morrow to investigate the relationships between the gut microbiome, diet and health outcomes in cancer patients and survivors.
