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Olson AK, Tamura T, Sauberlich HE, Dimick AR. Plasma copper, zinc, and iron in burn patients. FASB J 1989;3:A360(#782).

Olson AK, Nelson KM, Long CL, Weinsier RL, Darnell B, Hunter G. Resting metabolic rate and diet-induced thermogenesis in mildly obese and lean postmenopausal females. Int J Obesity 1989;13:570.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Lowe JB, Contreras LK, Woodby LL, Mason S. Preventing smoker relapse during pregnancy: A public health approach. Proceedings of the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1989.

Lowe JB, Windsor RA, Peterson PL, Contreras LK, Woodby LL, Mason S. Helping women quit smoking during pregnancy: A need for relapse prevention. Proceedings of the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1989.