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Journal Articles:

Atkinson A, Roy D. In vivo genotoxicity of an environmental estrogenic compound, Bisphenol-A. The Toxicologist 14(1):327, 1994.

Carley KW, Puttaiah R, Alvarez JO, Heimburger DC, Anantha N. Diet and oral premalignancy in female South Indian tobacco and betel chewers: A case/control study. Nutr Cancer 1994;22:73-84.

Funkhouser E, Waterbor J, Cole P. Mammographic patterns and breast cancer risk. A meta-analysis. Breast Dis 6:277-284, 1994.

Heimburger DC, Hensrud DD. Cancer prevention. Support Line 1994;16(4):6-10.

Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC, Chen J, Li M, Wang G. Intake and food sources of ascorbic acid in China. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 1994;3:41-4.

Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC, Chen J, Parpia B. Antioxidant status, erythrocyte fatty acids, and mortality from cardiovascular disease and Keshan disease in China. Eur J Clin Nutr 1994;48:455-64.

Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC. Antioxidant status, fatty acids, and cardiovascular dis­ease: A review. Nutrition 1994;10:170-5.

Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL, Darnell BE, Hunter GR. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight loss training. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:688-94.

Kratt PP. Diabetes and obesity: an integral relationship. The weight control digest 1994;3:384-386,392.

Livant EJ, Tamura T, Johnston KE, Vaughn WH, Bergman SM, Forehand J, Walthaw J. Plasma folate conjugase activities and folate concentrations in patients receiving hemodialysis. J Nutr Bioch. 1994;5:504-508.

Marina NM, Rodman J, Shema SJ, Bowman LC, Douglass E, Furman W, Santana VM, Hudson M, Wilimas J, Meyer W, Madden T, Pratt C. Phase I study of escalating targeted doses of cargoplatin combined with ifosfamide and etoposide in children with relapsed solid tumors. J Clin Oncol 11:554-560, 1994.

Marina NM, Rodman JH, Murry DJ, Shema SJ, Bowman LC, Furman WL, Meyer WH, Pratt CB. Phase I study of escalating targeted doses of carboplatin combined with ifosfamide and etoposide on newly diagnosed pediatric solid tumors. J Natl Cancer Inst 86:544-548, 1994.

Marina NM, Shema SJ, Bowman LC, Rodman JH, Douglass E, Furman WL, Pappo A, Santana VM, Hudson M, Meyer WH, Pratt C. Failure of GM-CSF to reduce febrile neutropenia in children with recurrent solid tumors treated with ICE chemotherapy. Med Ped Oncol 23:328-334, 1994.

Mickey RM, Shema SJ, Vaacek PM, Bell DY. Analysis of multiple outcome variables measured longitudinally. Comp Stat Data Anal 17:17-33, 1994.

Peterson PL, Hawkins JD, Abbott R, Catalano RC. Disentangling the effects of parental drinking, family management, and parental alcohol norms on current drinking by black and white adolescents. J Res Adolescence 4:203-228, 1994.

Pitt R, Clark S, Parmer K. Potential groundwater contamination from intentional and nonintentional stormwater infiltration. Alabama Water Environment Association 15:1994.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Hine RJ, Richards EW, Krumdieck CL. Local and systemic effects of cigarette smoking on folate and vitamin B12. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:559-66.

Roy D, Palangat M, Yan Z, Atkinson A, Thomas RD, Chen Chiao-Wen, Colerangle J. Toxicology and carcinogenicity of environmental estrogen-like chemicals. J Toxicol Env Health 1994.

Waterbor J, Funkhouser E. Concerned citizens collect cancer incidence data. J Cancer Ed 1994;9:174-178.

Ohsfeldt RL, Boyle RG. Tobacco excise taxes rates and rates of smokeless use in the United States. Tobacco Control 1994;3:316-23.

Book Chapters:

Yacoub ER. Leukemia, lymphoma, and blood related malignancies. Chapter eight, Courtroom Medicine - Cancer. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., New York, 1994.

Yacoub ER. Cancers of the urinary system. Chapter twelve, Courtroom Medicine - Cancer. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., New York, 1994.

Yacoub ER. Cancers of the prostate. Chapter thirteen, Courtroom Medicine - Cancer. Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., New York, 1994.


Atkinson A, Roy D. In vivo conversion of an environmental estrogenic compound, Bisphenol-A, to DNA binding metabolites. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Research 1994;35:260.

Canfield GJ, Whitaker LM, Grubbs CJ. Enhancement of initiation by 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide in methylnitrosourea-induced mammary cancer. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1994;35:198.

Carley KW, Puttaiah R, Alvarez JO, Heimburger DC. Nutritional aspects of oral premalignancy risk in female south Indian tobacco/betel quid chewers. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1994;35:295.

Edwards MC, Scott MA, Cupples J, Shema S, Schulz EG. Effect of examiner presence and time on the performance and behavior of children referred for evaluation of ADD. Gulf Coast Regional Pediatric Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 1994.

Grubbs CJ, Casebolt TL, Eto I, Canfield GJ, Whitaker LM, Kelloff GJ, Lubet RA, Steele VE. Efficacy of indole-3-carbinol on methylnitrosourea-induced mammary tumors. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1994;35:628.

Livant EJ, Eto I, Hudson B, Krumdieck CL. Separable endoconjugase and exoconjugase activities in mouse kidney. FASEB J 1994;8:5420.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Hine RJ, Richards EW and Krumdieck CL. Local and systemic effects of cigarette smoking on folate and vitamin B12. FASEB J 1994;8:4162.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Boyd NR. A cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of smoking cessation methods for Pennsylvania pregnant smokers in 1990. Presented at the annual convention of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 1994.

Boyle RG, Forster JL, Murray D. Assessing teenage access to smokeless tobacco. Poster presentation, American Public Health Association 122nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 1994.

Boyle RG, Ohsfeldt RL. The effects of tobacco excise taxes on the use of smokeless tobacco products. Contributed paper to the research session: Economic analysis of substance use, 64th annual conference of the Southern Economic Association, Orlando, FL, 1994.

Boyle RG. Adolescent smoking cessation. Seminar presented at the Twin Cities Pediatric Chest Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1994.

Kratt PP. Variations in retrospective memory in obese women with diabetes. Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, April 1994.

Noll L, Orleans CT, Boyd NR, Resch N. A first look at nicotine patch use among older, low income smokers enrolled in a state level prescription plan. Presented at the annual convention of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 1994.

Ohsfeldt RL, Boyle RG. The effects of tobacco excise taxes on the use of smokeless tobacco. Poster presentation, Society for Behavioral Medicine fifteenth annual scientific sessions, Boston, MA , 1994.

Orleans CT, Noll L, Boyd NR, Resch N, Glassman B. Nicotine patch use among older smokers participating in a state level prescription plan. Presented at the ninth world conference on tobacco and health, Paris, France, 1994.

Severson HH, Lichtenstein E, Boyle RG. Smokeless tobacco cessation: Outcome of using nicotine gum. Contributed paper to the research session: Nicotine replacement therapy, ninth world conference on tobacco and health, Paris, France, 1994.

Waterbor J, Bueschen AJ. Prostate cancer screening: An epidemiologic perspective. Basic and clinical aspects of prostate cancer, Palm Springs, CA, 1994.

Canfield J, Hardin JM, Grubbs CJ. Effect of 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide on methylnitrosourea-induced DNA adduct formation in the rat mammary gland. Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Keystone Conference, July, 1994.