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Journal Articles:

Boyle RG, Jenson J, Hatsukami DK, Severson HH. Measuring dependence in smokeless tobacco users. Addictive Beh 1995;20:443-50.

Cole P, Sateren W, Delzell E. An epidemiologic perspective on the myelodysplastic syndromes. Leuk Res 1995;19:361-5.

Cole P, Sateren W. Cancer in America: The evolving picture. J Natl Cancer Inst 1995;87:159-160.

Colerangle J, Roy D. Perturbation of cell cycle kinetics in the mammary gland by diethylstilbestrol (DES). Cancer Letter 1995;94:55-63.

Gram IT, Funkhouser E. Reproductive and menstrual factors in relation to mammographic parenchymal pattern among perimenopausal women. Br J Cancer 1995;71:647-650.

Mikitavage MA, Rose VE, Funkhouser E, Oestenstad RK, Dillon HK, Reynolds KD. Has the prevalence of sick building syndrome been overestimated? Factors affecting estimates. Am Ind Hygiene Assoc J 1995;56:1141-6.

Myers R, Lampejo O, Herrera G, Srivastava S, Oelschlager D, Brown D, Waterbor J, Grizzle W. TGFĄ expression is a relatively late event in the progression of prostatic adenocarcinoma. J Urol Pathol 1995;3:195-204.

Weinsier RL, Wilson LJ, Lee J. Medically safe rate of weight loss for the treatment of obesity: A guideline based on risk of gallstone formation. Am J Med 1995;98:115-117.

Weinsier RL, Nelson KM, Hensrud DD, Darnell BE, Hunter GR, Schutz Y. Metabolic predictors of obesity: Contribution of resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fuel utilization to four-year weight gain of post-obese and never-obese women. J Clin Invest 1995;95:980-985.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Hine RJ, Vinter D, Richards EW, Krumdieck CL. Cigarette smoking, intracellular vitamin deficiency, and occurrence of micronuclei in epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1995 4:751-8.

Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL, Darnell BE, Hunter GR. Relationship of co-morbidities of obesity to weight loss and four-year weight maintenance/rebound. Obes Res 1995;3:217s-22s.

Funkhouser E, Sharp GB. Aspirin use and reduced risks of esophageal and colon cancer. Cancer 1995;76:1116-9.

Colerangle J, Roy D. The antiproliferative effect of a plant flavone, luteolin, against DES-induced cell proliferation in the mammary gland of the rat. Int J Oncol 1995;7:1361-6.

Binkley D, Waller L, Potts L, Bronstein J. Pharmacists and HIV/AIDS information resources: Survey of Alabama pharmacists. AIDS Educ & Prev 1995;7:455-66.

Kirby SD, Baranowski T, Reynolds KD, Taylor G, Binkley D. Children's fruit and vegetable intake: Socioeconomic, adult-child, regional, and urban-rural influences. J Nutr Ed 1995;27:261-71.

Atkinson A, Roy D. In vivo conversion of environmental estrogenic chemicals to genotoxic metabolite(s). Biochem Biophys Res Comm 1995;210:424-33.

Atkinson A, Roy D. In vivo genotoxicity of bisphenol-A. Env Mutagen 1995;26:60-6.

Book Chapters:

Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC. Nutrition and disease prevention. In: Torosian, MH, ed. Nutrition for the hospitalized patient. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1995:633-52.


Atkinson A, Roy D. Identification of Bisphenol-A-induced DNA adducts. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1995;36:138.

Canfield GJ, Grubbs CJ. Effect of 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide on methylnitrosourea-induced O6-methylguanine adduct formation in rat mammary gland DNA. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1995;36:599.

Chris Anderson-Hill D, Heimburger DC, Morgan SL, Geels WJ, Henry K, Conner W, Hensrud DD, Thompson G, Weinsier RL. Metabolic complications of total parenteral nutrition: A reevaluation after thirteen years. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:897.

Waterbor JW, Heimburger DC, Brooks CM. Description and evaluation of an NCI-funded cancer prevention and control training program at a university medical center. J Cancer Ed 1995;10(3 Pt 2):29.

Piyathilake CJ, Cornwell PE, Heimburger DC. Red-cell folate assay: A new approach. FASEB J 1995;9:5854.

Wilson LJ. Diet and the chemoprevention of colorectal cancer. Audio Digest Gastroenterol 1995;9(6).

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Brown A, Wei H. The effect of Genistein on cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in Neurblastoma cells. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1995.

Colerangle J, Roy D. Exposure of rats to the environmental estrogenic compound nonylphenol alters cell cycle kinetics in the mammary gland. Society of Toxicology meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1995.

Hobbs CA, Robbins JM, Shema SJ. Psychosocial adjustment of rural adolescents with chronic illness. Southern Society of Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA, February, 1995.

Maxson S, Shema SJ, Schutze GE, Darville, Wheeler G, Jacobs RF. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis: Treatment and clinical outcome. Southern Society of Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA, February 1995.

Murrill WB, Brown NM, Lamartiniere CA. Chemoprevention of mammary adnocarcinomas by prepubertal exposure to genistein. Society of Toxicology meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1995.

Murrill WB, Kim C, Lamartiniere CA. Prepubertal genistein treatment protects against dimethylbenz(A)anthracene induced mammary tumors. International Congress of Toxicology - VII Meeting, Seattle, WA, 1995.