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Journal Articles:

Lazarus K. Nutrition practices of family physicians after education by a physician nutrition specialist. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;65(suppl 6):2007S-9S.

Goran MI, Nagy TR, Treuth MT, Trowbridge C, Dezenberg C, McGloin A, Gower BA. Visceral fat in Caucasian and African American pre-pubertal children. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;65:1887-8.

Nagy TR, Gower BA, Trowbridge CA, Dezenberg C, Shewchuk RM, Goran MI. Effects of gender, ethnicity, body composition, and fat distribution on serum leptin concentrations in children. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997;82:2148-52.

Wilson LJ. Energy balance, weight loss, and HIV. Adv Gastroenterol, Hepatol, Nutr 1997;2:1-3.

Giles DM, Wei H. Effects of structurally-related flavones/isoflavones on H2O2 production and oxidative DNA damage in phorbol ester-stimulated HL-60 cells. Nutr Cancer 1997;29:77-82.

Harrington KF, Binkley D, Reynolds KD, Duvall RC, Copeland JR, Franklin F, Raczynski J. Recruitment issues in school-based research: lessons learned from the High 5 Alabama Project. J School Health 1997;67:415-21.

Gram IT, Funkhouser E, Tabar L. Anthropometric indices in relation to mammographic patterns among peri-menopausal women. Intl J Cancer 1997;73:323-6.

Gram IT, Funkhouser E, Tabar L. The Tabar classification of mammographic parenchymal patterns. European J Rad 1997;24:131-6.

Hatsukami DK, Boyle RG. Prevention and treatment of smokeless tobacco use. Advances in Dental Res 1997;11:342-9.

Ohsfeldt RL, Boyle RG, Capilouto E. Effects of tobacco excise taxes on the use of smokeless tobacco products in the USA. Health Economics 1997;6:525-31.

Boyle RG, Claxton AJ, Forster JL. The role of social influences and tobacco availability on adolescent smokeless tobacco use. J Adol Health 1997;20:279-85.

Weiss HL, Soong S-j, Partridge EE, Carpenter J, Bryant B. Cancer incidence among African-American, rural-poor populations in southern states. S Med J. 1997;90(10):986-92.

Jolly PE, Gangopadhyay A, Chen S, Reddy PG, Weiss HL, Sapp WJ. Changes in the leukocyte phenotype profile of goats infected with the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 1997;56(1-2):97-106.

Goldman CK, Bharara S, Palmer CA, Vitek J, Tsai JC, Weiss HL, Gillespie GY. Brain edema in meningiomas is associated with increased vascular endothelial growth factor expression. Neurosurg 1997;40(6):1269-77.

Schwebke JR, Morgan SC, Weiss HL. The use of sequential self-obtained vaginal smears for detecting changes in the vaginal flora. Sex Trans Dis 1997;24(4):236-9.

Manne U, Myers RB, Moron C, Poczatek RB, Dillard S, Weiss HL, Brown D, Srivastava S, Grizzle WE: Prognostic Significance of BCL-2 Expression and p53 Nuclear Accumulation in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma. Intl J Cancer 1997:74:346-358.

Pensyl CD, Harrison RA, Simpson P, Waterbor JW. Distribution of astigmatism among Sioux Indians in South Dakota. J Am Optometric Assoc 1997;68(7):425-31.

Smith DE, Heckemeyer CM, Kratt PP, Mason DA. Motivational interviewing to improve adherence to a behavioral weight-control program for older obese women with NIDDM. A pilot study. Diabetes Care 1997;20(1):52-4.

Colerangle JB, Roy D. Profound effects of the weak environmental estrogen-like chemical bisphenol A on the growth of the mammary gland of Noble rats. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1997;60(1-2):153-60.

Roy D, Palangat M, Chen CW, Thomas RD, Colerangle J, Atkinson A, Yan ZJ. Biochemical and molecular changes at the cellular level in response to exposure to environmental estrogen-like chemicals. J Tox & Env H 1997;50(1):1-29.

Holmes R, Fawal H, Moon TD, Cheeks J, Coleman J, Woernle C, Vermund SH. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Alabama: special concerns for black women. S Med J 1997;90(7):697-701.

Harrison RA, Waterbor JW, Mulligan S, Bernreuter WK, Han SY, Stanley RJ and Rubin ER. Breast cancer detection rates by screening mammography in elderly women. Breast J 1997;3:1-6.

Book Chapters:

Aranda-Michel J, Morgan S. Nutrition and diseases of the kidneys, lungs, liver, and pancreas, and inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease. In: Morgan SL, Weinsier RL. Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition. 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1997.

Soong S-j, Weiss HL. Predicting outcome in patients with localized melanoma. In: Balch CM, Houghton AM, Sober AJ, Soong Sj, eds. Cutaneous Melanoma. 1997, pp. 51-62.


Tucker MA, Chang P-L, Prince CW. Mechanism of TPA-induced expression of osteopontin in JB6 mouse epidermal cells. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res 1997;38:501.

Tucker MA, Prince CW, Chang P-L. Regulation of TPA-induced osteopontin expression in JB6 cells by calcitriol or okadaic acid is not protein kinase C-dependent. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res 1997;38:501b.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Heimburger DC. Correlates of plasma vitamin C and predicted dietary requirements for cigarette smokers. FASEB J 1997;11:A378.

Johanning GL, Piyathilake CJ, Aranda-Michel J, Heimburger DC. Variability in DNA methylation analysis of colon and cervical biopsies. FASEB J 1997;11:A576.

Piyathilake CJ, Giuliano A, Johanning GL, Hatch K, Nour M, Weiss H, Heimburger DC. Do serum folate concentrations and use of vitamin supplements predict cervical folate concentrations? Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:214.

Piyathilake CJ, Giuliano A, Cornwell P, Hatch K, Nour M, Weiss H, Heimburger DC. Comparison of microbiological assay with radio assay for the determination of tissue folates. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:212.

Thomson SW, Heimburger DC, Cornwell PE, Turner ME, Sauberlich HE, Butterworth, CE Jr. Effect of total plasma homocysteine on cervical dysplasia risk. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:206.

Thomson SW, Heimburger DC, Cornwell PE, Turner ME, Sauberlich HE, Butterworth, CE Jr. Association of copper and cervical dysplasia with total plasma homocysteine levels. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:214.

Mayo CP, Oberman A, Heimburger DC, Fouad M, Lewis CE, McGwin G. Association of hormone replacement therapy with estimated intra-abdominal fat among postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:221.

Mayo CP, Goran MI, Heimburger DC, Hunter GR, Lewis CE, McGwin G. Comparison of body composition from Hologic and Lunar DXA instruments among postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:221.

Grubbs CJ, Steele VE, Kelloff GJ, Juliana MM, Eto I, Rodríguez-Burford C. Effect of reduced body weight gain on the evaluation of chemopreventive agents in a mammary cancer model. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1997;38:263.

Acton RT, Bell DSH, Collins J, Giger JN, Go RCP, Harrison R, McDonald R, Rivers C, Roseman J, Vanichanan C. Genes within and flanking the major histocompatibility region are risk factors for diabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension and microalbuminuria in African American women. Transplantation Proc 1997;29:3710-2.

Colerangle JB, Roy D. Attenuation of telomerase activity in the mammary gland by short term exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Fund Appl Toxicol 1997;36:91.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Short B, Giuliano A, Piyathilake CJ, Nour M, Hatch K. Hypomethylation: An early event in cervical carcinogenesis. American Society for Preventive Oncology 1997, abstract #54.

Gnann J, Tyring S, Burdge D, Chandrasekar P, Wallace M, Beutner K, Weiss H, Soong S-j, Whitley R. Oral antiviral therapy for herpes zoster in immunocompromised patients: sorivudine vs. acyclovir. Infectious Diseases Society of America 35th Annual Meeting, 1997.

DelRosario G, Weiss HL, Jolly PE. Assessment of risk factors for still birth among pregnant women in Jamaica. National Minority Research Symposium, October 1997.

Colerangle JB, Roy D. Differential expression of telomerase in the mammary gland of rats by exposure to diethylstilbestrol. 88th Annual Meeting, AACR, San Diego, CA, 1997.

Abstracts presented at local meetings and not published:

Weiss HL. Recruitment experience from phase II cancer chemoprevention studies. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.

Talley L. Clinical outcomes of localized melanoma of the foot: a case-control study. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.

Rodriguez-Burford C. Effect of reduced body weight gain on the evaluation of chemopreventive agents in a mammary cancer model. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.

Piyathilake CJ. Can serum concentration of folate and use of vitamin supplements predict cervical folate concentrations. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.

Kratt P. Modeling parent influences on the dietary intake of fourth graders. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.

Fritz W. Perinatal genistein in the diet programs against breast cancer. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1997.