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Journal Articles:

Karetsky MS, Oguntolu OO, Igwebe TE. Nutrition assessment and intervention in critical care patients. Hosp Phys 1998 (Jan):27-45.

Tucker MA, Chang P-L, Prince CW, Gillespie GY, Mapstone TB. TPA-mediated regulation of osteopontin expression in human malignant glioma cells. Anticancer Res 1998;18:807-12.

Talley LI, Soong S-j, Harrison RA, McCarthy WH, Urist MM, Balch CM. Clinical outcomes of localized melanoma of the foot: A case-control study. J Clin Epidemiol 1998;51:853-7.

Fowler BM, Giuliano AR, Piyathilake CJ, Nour M, Hatch K. Hypomethylation in cervical tissue: Is there a correlation with folate status? Cancer Epi Biomarkers Prev 1998;7:901-6.

Brown NM, Wang J, Cotroneo MS, Zhao Y-X, Lamartiniere CA. Prepubertal genistein treatment modulates TGF-Ą, EGF and EGF-receptor mRNAs and proteins in the rat mammary gland. Mol Cell Endocrinol 1998;144:149-65.

Sun M, Gower BA, Nagy TR, Trowbridge CA, Dezenberg C, Goran MI. Total, resting, and activity-related energy expenditures are similar in Caucasian and African-American children. Am J Physiol 1998;274 (2 Pt 1):E232-7.

Gower BA, Nagy TR, Trowbridge CA, Dezenberg C, Goran MI. Fat distribution and insulin response in prepubertal African-American and white children. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67:821-7.

Kiefe CI, Funkhouser E, Fouad MN, May DS. Chronic disease as a barrier to breast and cervical cancer screening. J Gen Intern Med 1998;13(6):357-65.

Rathmann W, Funkhouser E, Dyer AR, Roseman JM. Relations of hyperuricemia with the various components of the insulin resistance syndrome in young black and white adults: the CARDIA study. Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults. Ann Epidemiol 1998;8(4):250-61.

Rolnick SJ, O'Connor PJ, Jackson JM, Boyle RG, Pronk NP, Loes LM. Early-and late-stage breast cancer in a managed care setting in relation to mammography screening. Cancer Detection& Prev 1998;22(6):495-8.

Boyle RG, Gerend MA, Peterson CB, Hatsukami DK. Use of smokeless tobacco by young adult females. J Substance Abuse 1998;10(1):19-25.

Gerend MA, Boyle RG, Peterson CB, Hatsukami DK. Eating behavior and weight control among women using smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, and normal controls. Addictive Behaviors 1998;23(2):171-8.

Liu T, Wang X, Waterbor JW, Weiss HL, Soong S-j. Relationships between socioeconomic status and race-specific cervical cancer incidence in the United States, 1973-1992. J Health CarePoor Underserved 1998;9(4):420-32.

Manne U, Weiss HL, Myers RB, Danner OK, Moron C, Srivastava S, Grizzle WE. Nuclear accumulation of p53 in colorectal adenocarcinoma: prognostic importance differs with race and location of the tumor. Cancer 1998;83(12):2456-67.

Camp WL, Allen S, Alvarez JO, Jolly PE, Weiss HL, Phillips JF, Karita E, Serufilira A, Vermund SH. Serum retinol and HIV-1 RNA viral load in rapid and slow progressors. J Acquired Immune Def Syn 1998;18(4):401-6.

Lamartiniere CA, Murrill WB, Manzolillo PA, Zhang J, Barnes S, Zhang X, Wei H, Brown NM. Genistein alters the ontogeny of mammary gland development and protects against chemically-induced mammary cancer in rats. Exp Bio Med 1998;217(3):358-64.

Harrison RA, Haque AU, Roseman JM, Soong S-j. Socioeconomic characteristics and melanoma incidence. Ann Epidemiol 1998;8(5):327-33.

Soong S-j, Harrison RA, McCarthy WH, Urist MM, Balch CM. Factors affecting survival following local, regional, or distant recurrence from localized melanoma. J Surg Oncol 1998;67(4):228-33.

Lamartiniere CA, Zhang JX, Cotroneo MS. Genistein studies in rats: potential for breast cancer prevention and reproductive and developmental toxicity. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;68(6 Suppl):1400S-1405S.

Fritz WA, Coward L, Wang J, Lamartiniere CA. Dietary genistein: perinatal mammary cancer prevention, bioavailability and toxicity testing in the rat. Carcinogen 1998;19(12):2151-8.

Lamartiniere CA, Fritz WA. Genistein: chemoprevention, in vivo mechanisms of action, and bioavailability. Korean Soybean Digest 1998;15(2):66-80.

Harrison RA, Soong S-j, Lee JAH. Comparative mortality of patients diagnosed with localized and in situ melanomas. J Insur Med 1998;30:157-168.

Roy D, Colerangle JB, Singh KP. Is exposure to environmental or industrial endocrine disrupting estrogen-like chemicals able to cause genomic instability? Frontiers Bioscience 1998;3:913-28.


Rodríguez-Burford C, Lubet RA, Steele VE, Swanson SM, Kelloff GJ, Grubbs CJ. Effect of acute and chronic body weight gain reductions on methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancers. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1998;39:88.

Tucker MA, Bharara S, Gillespie GY. Purification of glioma-derived high molecular weight transforming growth factor ƒÒ and evidence of its relatedness to TGFƒÒ1. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1998;39:405a.

Tucker MA, Lyon E, McGraw P, Gillespie GY. Immunochemical identification and partial characterization of a human malignant glioma-derived high molecular weight form of transforming growth factor type ƒÒ. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1998;39:405b.

Fritz WA, Wang J, Coward L, Lamartiniere CA. Perinatal genistein in the diet programs against breast cancer. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1998;39:388.

Mentor R, Wang J, Fritz WA, Lamartiniere CA. Perinatal genistein exposure dow-regulates EGF-receptor level in the rat dorsolateral prostate. Proc Am Assoc CancerRes 1998;39:388.

Smith D, Greene P, Pulley L, Kratt P, Weiss H, Hullett S. Attitudes and beliefs about breast cancer among older, rural, African-American Women. J Women's Health 7(5):64, 1998.

Weiss HL, Niwas S, Beenken SW, et al. Recruitment experience from phase II cancer chemoprevention. Controlled Clin Trials 1998;19(3S):98S.

Acton RT, Dasanayake Ad, Harrison R, Li Y, Roseman JM, Go RCP, Wiener H, Caufield PW. Association of MCH genes with caries-inducing organisms and caries. HumImmunol 1998;59(1):80.

Manne U, Myers RB, Oelschlager D, Weiss HL, Perucho M, Grizzle WE. Association between the amount of mucin and P53 abnormalities in colorectal adenocarcinomas. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res, March 1998.

Lowenthal EA, Prchal J, Krumdieck CL, Weiss HL. GGPD in African-American males with adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res, March 1998.

Cronin KA, Lieberman R, Freedman, LS, Weiss HL, Beenken SW, Kelloff GJ. Bayesian sequential analysis of intermediate endpoints in cancer prevention trials. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res, March 1998.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Piyathilake CJ, Manne U, Heimburger DC,Weiss H, Frost AR, Grizzle WE. TGF-Ą expression in epithelial hyperplasia/dysplasia and invasive squamous cell carcinoma in the human lung. American Society of Preventive Oncology 1998, abstract #72.

Weiss HL, Niwas S, Beenken SB, Dixon P, Urban D, Perkin D, Barnes S, Irwin W, Grizzle WE, Soong S-j, Recruitment experience from phase II cancer chemoprevention. Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting, May 1998.

Abstracts presented at local meetings and not published:

Del Rosario G, Kristensen KS, Kamara P, Weiss HL, Vermund SH, Jolly P. Correlation of the presence of a reproductive tract infection assessed by syndromic case management and the laboratory results in a population of pregnant women attending prenatal care in Kingston, Jamaica. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Kamara P, Del Rosario G, Kristensen S, Weiss HL, Vermund SH, Jolly P. Prevalence of reproductive tract infections in a population of pregnant women attending prenatal care in Kingston, Jamaica. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Kristensen S, Kamara P, Del Rosario G, Weiss HL, Vermund SH, Jolly P. Predictors of reproductive tract infections among a population of pregnant women attending prenatal care in Kingston, Jamaica. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Harrison R. The melanoma epidemic in the U.S. and Australia: linkage in time between stabilization of rates and decline in geographic differences. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Cope MB. Efficacy of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide(4-HPR) alone and in combination in the prevention of chemically induced mammary cancers. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Piyathilake CJ. Mehtylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism increases the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Weiss HL. Longitudinal analysis of cancer multiplicity in animal chomoprevention studies. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

DuMond JL Jr. Tamoxifen-mediated inhibition of diethylstilbestrol induced leydig cell proliferation. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Cotroneo MS. Genistein alters rat mammary gland development and up-regulates beta casein expression. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Fritz WA. Mechanism of action and potential toxicity in the rat prostate following lifetime exposure to dietary genistein. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Owen JE. Bringing psychosocial support into the 21st century: Development of an structured on line intervention. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Kratt P. The role of availability on the dynamics of family fruit and vegetable consumption. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Whiteside M. Global DNA hypomethylation in neoplastic vs. non-neoplastic paraffin-embedded lung tissue resections. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.

Rodriguez-Burford C. Effect of reduced body weight gain on the evaluation of chemopreventive agents in the methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancer model. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1998.