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Journal Articles:

Rodríguez-Burford C, Lubet RA, Eto I, Juliana MM, Kelloff GJ, Grubbs CJ, Steele VE. Effect of reduced body weight gain on the evaluation of chemopreventive agents in the methylnitrosourea-induced mammary cancer model. Carcinogenesis 1999;20:71-6.

Dezenberg C, Nagy TR, Gower BA, Johnson R, Goran MI. Predicting body composition from anthropometry in pre-adolescent children. Int J Obesity 1999;23:253-9.

Wilson LJ, Hirschowitz BE. Association of obesity with hiatal hernia and esophagitis. Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:2840-4.

Woodby LL, Windsor RA, Snyder SW, Kohler CL, DiClemente CC. Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy. Addiction 1999;94(2):283-92.

Poczatek RB, Myers RB, Manne U, Oelschlager DK, Weiss HL, Bostwick DG, Grizzle WE. Ep-Cam levels in prostatic adenocarcinoma and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. J Urol 1999;162(4):1462-6.

Cronin KA, Freedman LS, Lieberman R, Weiss HL, Beenken SW, Kelloff GJ, Bayesian monitoring of phase II trials in cancer chemoprevention. J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52(8):705-11.

Myers RB, Oelschlager DK, Coan PN, Frost AR, Weiss HL, Manne U, Pretlow TG, Grizzle WE. Changes in cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 during the castration induced regression of the CWR22 model of prostatic adenocarcinoma. J Urol 1999;161(3):945-9.

Whitley RJ, Weiss HL, Soong S-j, Gnann JW. Herpes zoster: risk categories for persistent pain. J Infect Dis 1999;179(1):9-15.

Myers RB, Oelschlager DK, Manne U, Coan PN, Weiss HL, Grizzle WE. Androgenic regulation of growth factor and growth factor receptor expression in the CWR22 model of prostalic adenocarcinoma. Intl J Cancer 1999;82:424-429.

Acton RT, Dasanayake AP, Harrison RA, Li Y, Roseman JM, Go RC, Wiener H, Caufield PW. Associations of MHC genes with levels of caries-inducing organisms and caries severity in African-American women. Hum Immunol 1999;60(10):984-9.

Harrison RA, Smith DE, Greene PG, Kratt PP. Relationship between relative risk of developing breast cancer and absolute risk in a population of rural, older, African American women. Breast J 1999;5:364-368.

Han Y, Willams RD, Harrison RA. Breast self-examination (BSE) among Korean American women: Knowledge, attitudes and behavior. J Cultural Diversity 1999;6:1115-1123.

Schwebke JR, Richey CM, Weiss HL. Correlation of behaviors with microbiological changes in vaginal flora. J Infect Dis 180:1632-1636,1999.

Harrison RA, Soong S-j, Weiss HL, Gnann JW Jr, Whitley RJ. A mixed model for factors predictive of pain in AIDS patients with herpes zoster. J Pain Symptom Mgmt 1999;17(6):410-7.

Harrison RA, Waterbor JW. Understanding meta-analysis in cancer epidemiology: dietary fat and breast cancer. Cancer Detection Prev 1999;23(2):97-106.

Greene PG, Smith DE, Hullett S, Kratt PP, Kennard P. Cancer prevention in rural primary care: An academic-practice partnership. Am J Prev Med 1999;16(3 Suppl):58-62.

Wang H, Cai Q, Zeng X, Yu D, Agrawal S, Zhang R. Antitumor activity and pharmacokinetics of a mixed-backbone antisense oligonucleotide targeted to the RI alpha subunit of protein kinase A after oral administration. Proc Nat Acad Sciences, USA 1999: 96(24):1389-94.

Urban DA, Myers R, Manne U, Weiss HL, Mohler J, Perkins D, Markiewicz M, Lieberman R, Kelloff G, Marshall M, Grizzle WE: Evaluation of biomarker modulation by fenretinide (4HPR) in prostate cancer patients. European Urol 1999;35:429-438.


Rodríguez-Burford C, Lubet RA, Steele VE, Eto I, Grizzle WE, Johanning GL, Stockard CR, Kelloff GJ, Grubbs CJ. Effect of reduced body weight gain in chemoprevention studies using the methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancer model. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1999;40:653.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Johanning GL, Whiteside M, Heimburger DC, Giuliano A. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism increases the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Cancer Epidemiol, Biomarkers, Prev 1999;8:197.

German (Moore) NS, Johanning GL. Effect of lipid peroxidation on human breast cancer cell adhesion. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1999;40:362.

Nagy TR, Wharton D, Blaylock ML, Powell CS. Precision and accuracy of in vivo bone mineral measurements in mice using DXA. FASEB J 1999;13:A912.

Fritz WA, Lamartiniere CA. The influence of lifetime exposure to dietary bisphenol A on the male rat reproductive tract. Tox Sciences 1999;48:46.

Wang J, Brewer MC, Fritz WA, Lamartiniere CA. Prenatal TCDD exposure and predisposition of mammary cancer in rats. Tox Sciences 1999;48:216.

Kratt PP, Smith DE, Greene PG, Pulley L, Lewis CE, Weiss HL. Barriers to breast cancer screening among rural, low income African-American women. Ann Behav Med 1999:21(Suppl.).

Weiss HL, Soong S-j, Meleth S, Gnann JW, Whitley RJ. Assessment of severity of herpes zoster pain: An analysis using area under the curve. Controlled Clin Trials 1999;20(2S):85S.

Yee LJ, Weiss HL, Langner RG, Gwaltney TA, Kaslow RA, vanLeeuwen DJ. The Study of sexual transmission of hepatitis C requires a thorough analysis of competing risk factors. Gastroenterol 1999;116(4).

Kratt PP, Greene PG, Smith DE, Harrison RA. Correlates of cervical cancer screening in rural, low-income African-American women. Ann Behav Med 1999;21(S):S066.

Siemen D, Brege J, Ebert S, Hatcher L, Hansen N. Sex and age differences on Brandtsadter's coping scales. Michigan Academician 1999; 31(2), 238.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Lee JAH, Harrison RA, Charache DH, Soong S-j. The melanoma epidemic in the U.S. and Australia: Linkage in time between stabilization of rates and decline in differences. Int'l Dermato-Epi Assoc (IDEA) Annual Meeting, May 1999.

Guay-Woodford LM, Borhaini L, Shaw PK, Harrison R. The clinical experience of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD): An update of the North American Experience. Society for Pediatric Research, May 1999.

Smith DE, Greene P, Kratt P, Pulley L, Weiss H, Harrison R. Breast cancer screening attitudes among low income, rural African-American women. Society for Behavioral Medicine, March 1999.

Smith DE, Kratt P, Greene P, Pulley L, Harrison R, Partridge E. Attitudes and early detection practices in African-American women with a family history of breast cancer. Society for Behavioral Medicine, March 1999.

Abstracts presented at local meetings and not published:

Desmond (Harrison) RA, Soong S-j, Lee JAH. Comparative mortality of patients diagnosed with localized and in situ melanomas. UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Kratt PP, Harrison RA, Smith DE, Greene PG. Relationship between relative risk of developing breast cancer and absolute risk in a population of rural, older African American women. UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Han Y, Williams RD, Harrison RA. Breast cancer screening: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Korean American women. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Piyathilake CJ. The expression of Ep-CAM (17-1A) is associated with progression of squamous cell cancer of the lung. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Piyathilake CJ. The accumulation of ascorbic acid by squamous cell cancers of the lung, larynx and oral cavity. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Cope MB. Efficacy of 9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis- RA) and 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide (4-HPR) alone and combined in the prevention of chemically-induced mammary cancers. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Crutchley T. The effects of repeated diagnostic biopsy of the prostate on cellular proliferation and expression of biomarkers associated with the proliferative potential. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Owen, JE. Breast cancer support and information using the internet: preliminary analysis of feasibility data. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Cai Q. Detection of genetic instability in mitochondrial as well as nuclear genomes of breast, Wilms', and testicular tumors by random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Kratt P. Use of interactive computer applications among rural, low-income African Americans. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.

Kratt P. Relationship between relative risk of developing breast cancer and absolute risk in a population of rural, older African American woman. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 1999.