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Journal Articles:

Heimburger DC, Waterbor JW, Fish L, Brooks CM. Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. J Cancer Ed 2000;15:69-72.

Heimburger DC, Waterbor JW, Fish L, Brooks CM. An interdisciplinary training program in nutrition sciences and cancer. J Cancer Ed 2000;15:130-3.

Thomson S, Heimburger DC, Cornwell PC, Turner ME, Sauberlich HE, Fox LM, Butterworth CE, Jr. Correlates of total plasma homocysteine: Folic acid, copper, and cervical dysplasia. Nutrition 2000;16:411-6.

Thomson S, Heimburger DC, Cornwell PC, Turner ME, Sauberlich HE, Fox LM, Butterworth CE, Jr. Effect of total plasma homocysteine on cervical dysplasia risk. Nutr Cancer 2000:37:128-33.

Piyathilake CJ, Johanning GL, Macaluso M, Whiteside MA, Oelschlager DK, Heimburger DC, Grizzle WE. Localized folate and vitamin B12 deficiency in squamous cell lung cancer is associated with global DNA hypomethylation. Nutr Cancer 2000;37:99-107.

Piyathilake CJ, Macaluso M, Johanning GL, Whiteside M, Heimburger DC, Giuliano A. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism increases the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Anticancer Res 2000;20:1751-8.

Weiss HL, Rodríguez-Burford C, Grubbs CJ, Grizzle WE. Longitudinal analysis of mammary cancer multiplicity in chemoprevention studies. Anticancer Res 2000;20:2281-8.

Windsor RA, Woodby LL, Miller TM, Hardin JM, Crawford MA, DiClemente CC. Effectiveness of Agency for Health Care Policy and Research clinical practice guideline and patient education methods for pregnant smokers in Medicaid maternity care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182(1 Pt 1):68-75.

Brown DA, Delzell E. Motor vehicle manufacturing and prostate cancer. Am J Industrial Med 2000;38(1):59-70.

Kratt P, Reynolds K, Shewchuk R. The role of availability as a moderator of family fruit and vegetable consumption. Health Ed & Behavior 2000;27(4):471-82.

Sullivan KM, Belay ED, Durbin RE, Foster DA, Nordenberg DF. Epidemiology of Reye's syndrome, United States, 1991-1994: comparison of CDC surveillance and hospital admission data. Neuroepidemiol 2000;19(6):338-44.

Varterasian ML, Graff JJ, Severson RK, Weiss L, al-Katib AM, Kalemkerian GP. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: an analysis of the Metropolitan Detroit SEER database. Cancer Invest 2000;18(4):303-8.

McCarty HJ, Roth DL, Goode KT, Owen JE, Harrell L, Donovan K, Haley WE. Longitudinal course of behavioral problems during Alzheimer's disease: linear versus curvilinear patterns of decline. Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sci & Med Sci 2000;55(4):M200-6.

Green BL, Partridge EE, Fouad MN, Kohler C, Crayton EF, Alexander L. African-American attitudes regarding cancer clinical trials and research studies: results from focus group methodology. Ethnicity & Disease 2000;10(1):76-86.

Olayinka BA, Alexander L, Mbizvo MT, Gibney L. Generational differences in male sexuality that may affect Zimbabwean women's risk for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. East African Med J 2000;77(2):93-7.

Donovan KA, Tucker DC. Knowledge about genetic risk for breast cancer and perceptions of genetic testing in a sociodemographically diverse sample. J Behav Med 2000;23(1):15-36.

Lamartiniere CA, Zhao Yx, Fritz WA. Genistein: Mammary cancer chemoprevention, in vivo mechanisms of action, potential for toxicity, and bioavailability in rats. J Women's Cancer 2000;2:11-19.

Balch CM, Soong S-j, Ross MI, Urist MM, Karakousis CP, Temple WJ, Mihm MC, Barnhill RL, Jewell WR, Wanebo HJ, Harrison RA. Long-term results of a multi-institutional randomized trial comparing prognostic factors and surgical results of intermediate thickness melanomas. Ann Surg Oncol 2000:7:87-97.

Han Y, Williams RD, Harrison RA. Breast cancer screening: knowledge, attitudes and practices among Korean American women. Oncol Nursing Forum. 2000;27(10):1585-1591.

Desmond (Harrison) RA, Waterbor JW, Hallberg GR, Arani, RB. A case study in hierarchical modeling: Agriculture and prostate cancer in Iowa. Biometrical J 42 2000;7:47-57.

Owen JE, Klapow JC, Casebeer L. Evaluating the relationship between pain presentation and health-related quality of life in outpatients with metastatic or recurrent neoplastic disease. Quality of Life Research. 2000;9(7):855-63.

Piyathilake CJ, Johanning GL, Frost AR, Whiteside MA, Manne U, Grizzle WE, Heimburger DC, Niveleau A. Immunohistochemical evaluation of global DNA methylation: comparison with in vitro radiolabeled methyl incorporation assay. Biotech Histochem. 2000 Nov; 75(6):251-8.


Moore NG, Johanning FW, Johanning GL. č-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease PKAR1Ą subunit expression and adherence of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:575.

Piyathilake CJ, Johanning GL, Frost AR, Whiteside MA, Manne U, Grizzle WE, Heimburger DC, Niveleau A. Immunohistochemical evaluation of global DNA methylation: Comparison with in vitro radiolabeled methyl incorporation assay. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:497.

Cope MB, Steele VE, Lubet RL, Kelloff GJ, Johanning GL, Wilborn AS, Anderson AS, Grubbs CJ. Prevention of mammary cancers by 9-cis-reinoic acid (9-cis-RA) and 4-hydroxyphenylretiname (4-HPR) either alone or in combination. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:56.

Johanning GL, Wilborn TW, Cope MB, Grubbs CJ, Steele VE, Kelloff GJ, Lubet RA. Effect of high doses of retinoids on RAR-ƒÒ MRNA expression in female mice. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:54.

Piyathilake CJ, Johanning GL, Macaluso M, Whiteside MA, Oelschlager DK, Heimburger DC, Grizzle WE. Localized folate and vitamin B12 deficiency in squamous cell lung cancer is associated with global DNA hypomethylation. FASEB J 2000;14:A473.

Blaylock ML, Powell CS, Johanning GL, Nagy TR. Downregulation of UCP1 is related to a reduction in resting energy expenditure. FASEB J 2000;14:A756.

Rodríguez-Burford C, Myers RB, Oelschlager DK, Grizzle WE, Barnes MN. Effects of aspirin, acetaminophen, and a COX-II inhibitor on cell lines of ovarian cancer. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:494.

Owen JE, Klapow JC, Turcot V, Vaga AN, Belser WB, Roth D, Tucker DC. Breast cancer support and information using the Internet: Preliminary analysis of feasibility data. Ann Behav Med 2000:22s:64.

Owen JE, Klapow JC, Turcotte VD, Nabell L, Tucker DC. Psycho-Oncology interventions online: Characteristics of women with breast cancer that predict participation." Psychosom Med 2000;62:104.

Cotroneo MS, Lamartieniere CA. Estrogen receptor modulation by genistein in the uterus. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:651.

Lamartiniere CA, Wang J, Fritz WA. Lifetime genistein in the diet down-regulates estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta (ER-alpha and ER-beta) mRNA levels in the rate prostate. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;40:651

Fritz WA, Lamartiniere CA. Dietary genistein alters steroid hormone signaling pathways and circulating hormone levels in the male rat. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2000;41:844.

Blaylock ML, Nagy TR. Corticosterone: Effects on body weight and composition in a seasonal model of obesity. Obesity Res 2000;8:123S.

Gower BA, Nagy TR, Blaylock ML, Wang C, Nyman L. Estradiol may limit lipid oxidation via CPT1 expression and hormonal mechanisms. Obesity Res 2000;8:124S.

Abstracts presented at national or international meetings but not published:

Chieng D, Frost AR, Talley LI. Micro-vessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in infiltrating lobular mammary carcinoma. 23rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2000.

Abstracts presented at local meetings and not published:

Piyathilake CJ. Altered global methylation of DNA: An epigenetic difference in susceptibility for lung cancer is associate with its progression. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

Cope M. Prevention of methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancers by 9-cis-retinoic acid (9-cis-RA) and vitamin D3 given either alone or in combination. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

Talley L. Correlation of proliferation, p27, estrogen and progesterone receptor in dcis and invasive ductal carcinomas in pre-and post-menopausal women. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

Talley L. P27, estrogen receptor, and proliferation in breast carcinomas in pre-and post-menopausal women. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

Owen, JE. The use of structured internet based therapy groups for managing distress in breast cancer: Enhancing emotional disclosure and cognitive processing related to the cancer experience. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

DuMond JW Jr. The perturbation of DNA repair capacity by estrogen exposures. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.

Donovan K. Salvage therapy versus palliative care in recurrent ovarian cancer: patient preferences. UAB CCC Research Retreat, 2000.