Explore UAB

Program Directors

Dr. Andrew McKnight
Concentration: Context, Culture, & Policy
Dr. Larrell Wilkinson
Concentration: Health Disparities within Diverse Populations
Dr. Teaira McMurtry
Concentration: Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations

About the Program

You've discovered a passion for helping students excel in spite of challenges they may face in their education. In this program, we can help you serve culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, learners with disabilities, those from economically challenged backgrounds, those impacted by gender bias or bias related to sexual orientation, and students with behavioral differences.

As you know, there are many different student populations that require attention. Likewise, our program is far-reaching, with various tracks, depending on your particular interests. In fact, we've carefully crafted a curriculum designed to help prepare you to conduct research and lead innovation that enhances educational and life outcomes for diverse populations in P-12, post-secondary and community settings. Here's how it works. You'll start off with four core courses with your cohort and meet with an advisor to map out what courses will be required for your individualized concentration. You'll then move on to the research phase of the program, which will acquaint you with how diversity can be conceived and studied. At this point, you'll form a committee that will best fit with your goals and interests. Finally, we'll require you to complete a comprehensive exam and dissertation. In the end, you can pursue careers in research, education, administration, and other related areas.


  • Context, Culture, and Policy
  • Health Disparities within Diverse Populations
  • Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations

Delivery Methods


This program delivers most of its content via on-campus, in-person meetings.

Program Directors

Dr. Andrew McKnight
Concentration: Context, Culture, & Policy
Dr. Larrell Wilkinson
Concentration: Health Disparities within Diverse Populations
Dr. Teaira McMurtry
Concentration: Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations

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