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About the Program

As a practicing occupational therapist, you want to expand your expertise and offer more services to adults with vision impairments. In UAB's Low Vision Rehabilitation Graduate Certificate program, you'll learn clinical applications and emerge well-prepared to put your new skills into practice.

Our world-class faculty will guide your learning. They literally wrote the book on occupational therapy for low vision rehabilitation, contributing key chapters to the American Occupational Therapy Association's textbook, Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults with Low Vision.

We understand your busy schedule, so we’ve designed this program for flexibility. You’ll take one course per semester over five semesters, covering topics such as medical conditions, screenings, anatomy, intervention strategies, assistive technologies and optical devices, and functional mobility. You’ll also complete the course Foundations in Treatment of Visual Impairments from Brain Injury. The program concludes with an intensive two-day on-campus seminar that provides hands-on experience to help you apply your knowledge effectively.

Delivery Method

This program delivers all of its courses 100% online, with a single on-campus requirement, a two-day seminar. Please contact the program director for more information.

Program Director

Dr. Beth Barstow

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