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About the Program

If you're working in the nonprofit world, you know you want to make a difference—and that's what we'll help you do with our program. We can teach you the skills you need to help run your organization more effectively and efficiently.

You see, we know working in nonprofits is demanding, so we carefully designed our program to teach you the cutting-edge skills, best practices, and essential management tools that are important in nonprofit management. Your required coursework will include marketing and fundraising, as well as nonprofit management. Depending on your specific career goals, we have a variety of elective options for you to choose from, subjects such as grant writing and management, economic development, strategic planning, and more. Best of all, when you earn your certificate, you can apply up to four courses toward our Master of Public Administration program as long as you've earned at least B in each of them. And because many of our students have day jobs, you can take classes on campus or online.

Delivery Methods


This program delivers most of its content via on-campus, in-person meetings.

Program Director

Dr. Erin Borry

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