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Freshmen and transfer students in the School of Engineering are invited to participate in the Engineering Early Engagement Experience (E4), beginning Monday August 17, 2020. 

In previous years, E4 has helped engineering students get acclimated to Birmingham, get acquainted with fellow classmates, and learn about engineering careers. This year will have a different feel, but our goals remain the same: to give students a week of light-hearted activities before they dive into their first semester of college.

All events will be virtual, with each of our departments offering a 30-minute interactive demonstration of a principle that is critical to understanding that discipline. In addition, Career Services Director Desland Robinson will be doing a series of presentations with tips for freshman who want to jump-start their career preparation. Other activities, such as a virtual scavenger hunt and Game Time will give students the chance to interact and to compete for prizes.

For convenience, all sessions will be available at the same Zoom link. See below for a daily schedule, or click the link below to register. 

See below for a daily schedule

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Early Engagement Experience Schedule

Monday August 17**

  • 10 a.m. Biomedical Engineering
  • 1 p.m. Materials Science and Engineering

Tuesday August 18

  • 10 a.m. Campus Support Services
  • 1 p.m. Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering

Wednesday August 19

  • 10 a.m. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 1 p.m. Engineering Career Services

Thursday August 20

  • 10 a.m. Mechanical Engineering
  • 1 p.m. GAME TIME with engineering student organizations

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Education History

High School

Last High School or College Attended

Most recently attended college or university

Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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