April 4, 2019
Ms. Sahila Sarjana won first place in the Southern District ITE (SDITE) graduate student technical paper contest. Her paper was titled: “Identifying Micro-Level Determinants that Influence the Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Growth through Analysis of Transportation Users’ Preferences and Attitudes” and was based on research funded by STRIDE and ALDOT. The award was presented at the SDITE/MCSITE Joint Meeting in Arlington, VA on 4/4/19.
Sahila is a Graduate Research Assistant at the TREND Lab pursuing an MS degree in Transportation Engineering at UAB under Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku's supervision. She is a UAB Graduate Student Senator and currently serves as President of the Association of Bangladeshis at UAB and Treasurer of the UAB ITE Student Chapter.
Ms. Sahila Sarjana (L) with faculty advisor, Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku