Explore UAB

The 2018 Fall Semester’s All-Campus Faculty Gathering will be on Wednesday, November 14th from 3:30-6:00pm in the Lister Hill Library, Edge of Chaos atrium (4th floor). All UAB faculty are invited.

Mark your calendars and plan to bring or meet your colleagues for great food, wines, teas, and a good time of hanging out with faculty from all parts of campus, synergy and collaboration.

You are welcome to drop in and out as your schedule allows. Free event parking will be available across the street (9th Ave deck, either entrance).

Information regarding the 2019 UAB Faculty Development Grant Program will be available. The program is undergoing a revamp. Members of the FDGP committee leadership will be available to answer questions regarding the upcoming funding application period. The 2017-2018 Faculty Development Grant Awardees will be displaying posters regarding their projects, open to recommendations from faculty regarding next steps and possible future collaboration.