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Grades for Spring 2025 must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 5.

Please note that the last date of attendance is required for grades of 'F.' Enter the date as mm/dd/yyyy. In addition to the last date of attendance, you must also provide a reason for the grade of F. Valid reason options are available in the drop-down menu. The system will not allow you to proceed until the 'Last Attend Date' is entered for each student receiving an 'F' grade. If you attempt to submit grades without entering the last date of attendance, the following error message will be sent: "You have errors on the page. Correct the errors to submit all grades for this recordset." An error message is also listed beside the student's name.

You can access grade posting by logging into BlazerNET with your Blazer ID and password. The course(s) you are teaching will appear. Make sure you are on the listing for the current term. Click on the A+ icon to view your roster. Select the appropriate grade from the drop-down menu under the Grade column.

There is a 90-minute time limit for grade posting once you have entered the roster. By the end of this time limit, you should hit the Submit button; re-enter the roster to continue posting your grades.

Your department may have entered grade options incorrectly when creating your course in the catalog. If, for example, you are teaching a course with grade options of only Pass (P) or Fail (F) but you find standard grades of A, B, C, etc., please notify our office about the correction.

Canvas to Banner grade publishing is available to all faculty. Faculty are able to pull their grades directly into Banner from Canvas. Learn more on the eLearning website opens a new website.

If you encounter problems with the online grade posting system and need assistance, please contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@uab.edu or 205-934-8228 or AskIT at 205-996-5555.