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UAB’s 2016 Beckman Scholars Program Mentor Information

The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation has invited UAB to submit an application for a 2017 Beckman Scholars Program Award.  The Beckman Scholars Program application is limited submission, by invitation only.  UAB has successfully applied for a Beckman Scholars grant previously and Dr. Mike Sloane, Director of the University Honors Program, will again serve as Principal Investigator on UAB's application (email: sloane@uab.edu; Phone (205) 934-8733)


The purpose of the Beckman Scholars Program is to provide an in-depth, sustained undergraduate research experience in chemistry, biochemistry, neuroscience, biological, and medical sciences, or some interdisciplinary combination of these subjects, for exceptionally talented, full-time undergraduate students at accredited US four-year colleges and universities; young people who ultimately will become prominent leaders in their scientific and professional pursuits. The Program’s financial support for a student and mentor over 15 continuous months of research, in conjunction with the Annual Beckman Symposium, offers an academically stimulating and unique educational experience.


Since 1998, 110 different universities or colleges have received Institutional Beckman Scholar awards, which have in turn supported 1,203 student and mentor teams. Each Institutional Award spans a three-year period, with 1-3 student/mentor teams selected by the institution each year depending on its Carnegie Classification.

Institutional 2017 Beckman Scholars Awards will be made to support approximately 10 universities and colleges, for an anticipated total of 60 undergraduate students over the three-year period. The Foundation plans to announce the awards in late December 2016.

Each Beckman Scholar will pursue an independent research project, under the auspices of an approved mentor. The amount of funding for the 2017 Beckman Scholars Program is $26,000; $21,000 specifically for the Scholar and $5,000 for the Scholar’s Mentor. 

Beckman Scholars Program: Faculty Mentor

Scholar Mentorship Plan (SMP) - Mentor to develop & support the SMP,

  • Outlining the Scholar/Mentor relationship, 
  • Detailing the collaboration between scholar, mentor & mentor’s lab, 
  • Defining the expectations of the Beckman Scholar, including but not limited to:
    • Attendance at outside presentations/scientific symposia with the Mentor 
    • Pursuit of increased undergraduate journal publication rates by the Scholar & Mentor 
  • Outlining the anticipated results of the Scholar’s research 

In order to be considered as a mentor for this year’s application, we need two items:

  1. A completed Mentor Data Sheet
  2. Mentor CV

Questions about UAB's Beckman Scholars Program or competitive renewal should be addressed to:

Dr. Mike Sloane or Rebecca Freeman
sloane@uab.edu rfreem2@uab.edu
934-8733 934-3228