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Steps for Completing your Degree/Certificate

  • Step 1: Monitor Progress Towards Your Degree/Certificate

    You can access your degree requirements through UAB’s Graduation Planning System (GPS). Your personalized audit will list all of the courses required to earn your degree/certificate and will display completed, in-progress, and outstanding requirements. GPS is accessed through BlazerNET by clicking the GPS button in the menu on the right side of your home page. You should also be aware of the Graduate School’s minimum requirements which can be found in the Graduate Catalog.

    Your GPS audit should be reviewed every semester to track your progress and help determine your registration plans. GPS is not intended to replace your relationship with your academic advisor/graduate department but should be used in conjunction with their consultation.

    If you see a discrepancy on your audit, contact your department immediately to address the concern. The Graduate School uses your GPS audit to award your degree/certificate so it must be accurate and complete.

    Access GPS


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