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Inquiro UAB's Undergraduate Research Journal

2016-2017 Editorial Board

Pictured: Top row (L to R): Hriday Bhambhvani, Alexander Chang, Henry Paiste, Nicholas Bolin, and David Chasteen-Boyd. Bottom row (L to R): Josh Purvis, Maggie Collier, Neha Udayakumar, Aashka Patel, and Marina Triplett. Not pictured: Brennan Hickson, Charlie Keith, Jessica Maya, Remy Meir, and Aaron Stuber.


Maggie Collier

Maggie Collier

Joshua Purvis

Joshua Purvis


Joshua Purvis is a senior in the University Honors Program and the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program. He works in the laboratory of Dr. Edward Taub where he is involved in both clinical and neuroimaging projects to look for neuroplastic changes in the brain following Constraint-Induced Movement therapy. After graduation, Joshua plans to attend medical school in hopes of one day becoming an academic physician, possibly specializing in pediatric neurology. In his free time, he loves playing with his dog and quoting The Office.