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The Division of Molecular and Translational Biomedicine hosts a regular Seminar Series on Tuesdays in the BMR II 1st Floor Conference Room.

The schedule below is in descending chronological order. Lecture synopses are provided after the event takes place.

April 12: 2016: Steven A. Prescott, M.D., Ph.D.

March 29, 2016: David A. Ford, Ph.D., "Chlorinated lipids: A novel class of oxidized lipid mediators derived from plasmalogens

March 22, 2016: Michael Caterina, M.D, Ph.D. 

March 8, 2016: John Catravas, Ph.D., "Regulation of pulmonary endothelial barrier function by heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90)

March 1, 2016: Zsuzsanna Bebok, M.D., "Synonymous, But Note Always Silent: The Consequences of Synonymous Mutations in the CFTR Gene"

February 17, 2016: Anna Birukova, M.D., "Microtubules in regulation of cytoskeletal remodeling, endothelial permeability and inflammation"

January 19, 2016: Raymond Langley, Ph.D., "Integrative Omics Analysis of Sepsis: Biomarkers for Improved Patient Management"

January 12, 2016: Gregory Dussor, Ph.D., "Meningeal afferent signaling and migraine pathophysiology"

January 5, 2016: Aftab Ahmad, Ph.D., "CEES (2-chloroethyl sulfide)/sulfur mustard-induced lung injury: role of coagulation and inflammation"

December 22, 2015: Stavros Garantziotis, M.D., "New Insights into cell-matrix interactions in lung injury - role of TLR5 and primary cilia"

December 15, 2015: Roderic Eckenhoff, M.D., "Anesthetic Effects on Gap Junctions

December 8, 2015: Brant Wagener, M.D., Ph.D, "The Role of PDE4 in IL-8-dependent Inhibition of cAMP-stimulated Alveolar Fluid Clearance"

November 24, 2015: Ratan Banik, M.D., Ph.D., "Of Rats and Mice: A Brief Journey into the Peripheral Pain Mechanisms

November 10, 2015: Chad Steele, Ph.D, "Immune Mechanisms Contributing to Allergic Asthma Severity"

October 27, 2015: Jianguo Gu, M.B., Ph.D., "Mechanical transduction in mammalian sensory neurons"

October 13, 2015: Zsuzsanna Bebok, M.D.  "Synonymous, But Note Always Silent: The Consequences of Synonymous Mutations in the CFTR Gene"

September 29, 2015: Timothy Ness, M.D., Ph.D., "Models of Bladder Hypersensitivity"

September 15, 2015: Kevin Harrod, Ph.D., "Influenza Pathogenesis

September 8, 2015: Sir Magdi Yacoub, OM, FRS, "From the Bench to Bedside: In Search of a Living Aortic Valve"

August 18, 2015: Kiochi Noguchi, M.D., Ph.D."Pronociceptive Lipid Mediators in the Spinal Cord in Neuropathic Pain"

Caroline A. Owen, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP (Edin.)