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General Equipmentmatalon lab

  • Eight IBM-compatible computers and two Laser printers

  • Five microscopes

  • An IEC Micromax centrifuge

  • Three pH meters

Molecular Biology studies

  • Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient

  • Sorvall Legend TR centrifuge

  • IEC Micromax centrifuge (International Equipment Company)

  • UV transilluminator (FBTIV-88, Fisher Sci)

  • Power Pac-300 power supply (Bio-Rad)

  • Agarose gel Electrophoresis unit (Sub-cell GT, Bio-Rad)

  • Labnet 211D incubator

  • Eppendorf thermomixer 5436

  • Controlled environment incubator shaker (New Brunswick Scientific Co)

Western blotting, SDS PAGE, immunoprecipitation and in vitro phosphorylation studies

  • BioRad Power Pac 300

  • BioRad Power Pac 1000

  • Mini Protein III Electrophoresis cell, Protein IIxi vertical Electrophoresis cell, Criterion Electrophoresis cell, Minitransblot cell, Criterion transblot cell

  • Rocker Rotator plate forms

  • Two Microcentrifuges

Ion transport across confluent monolayers of epithelial cells

  • Eight Ussing chambers (Jim’s Instruments; Iowa City, IA),

  • One epithelial voltage clamp (VCC-600; Physiologic Instruments; San Diego, CA)

  • Dedicated computer with the Acquire and Analyze program for online data acquisition and analysis

Measurements of alveolar fluid clearance across the lung epithelium in mice and rats

  • Six Harvard Apparatus Small Animal Ventilators

  • VAPRO Vapor Pressure Osmometer

  • Oxygen saturation sensor: MouseOx system (STARR Life Sciences Corp.)

Patch-clamp: isolated epithelial cells

  • Vibration-free table: Micro-g TMC (Technical Manufacturing Corporation) Faraday cage

  • Olympus IX-71 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope

  • Burleigh PCS-6000 Motorized Micromanipulator

  • Axopatch 200B Integrated Patch Clamp Amplifier

  • Digidata 1322A 16 bit Data Acquisition System

  • Newport VH-3048 OPT Vibration Isolation Workstation

  • Sutter P-97 Pipette Puller

  • Dedicated computer with A/D acquisition system and pCLAMP Version 9.0 software

Patch-clamp: epithelial cells in lung slices

  • Vibration-free table: Micro-g TMC (Technical Manufacturing Corporation)

  • Faraday cage

  • McILWAIN Model TC752 Tissue Chopper

  • Leica VT1000S Vibratome

  • Olympus BX-50WI Fluorescent Microscope

  • Olympus BX51WIF Fixed Stage Fluorescence Microscope

  • Sutter MPC-385 Motorized Micromanipulator

  • Axopatch 200B Integrated Patch Clamp Amplifier

  • Digidata 1440A Data Acquisition System

  • Newport VH-3048 OPT Vibration Isolation Workstation

  • Sutter P-97 Pipette Puller

  • Dedicated computer with A/D acquisition system and pCLAMP Version 9.0 software

Isolation of oocytes from Xenopus laevris, injection with cRNAs and recording of whole cell and single channel currents.

Whole cell currents:

  • Vibration-free table: Micro-g TMC (Technical Manufacturing Corporation).

  • Two Micromanipulators: WPI

  • Stereo-microscope: Nikon, SMZ645

  • Voltage Clamp amplifier: TEV-200A Dagan Corporation

  • Computer: Dell computer with Windows software (Microsoft)

  • Interface: Digidata 1200

  • Software: Pclamp 7, Axon Instrument

  • Chart recorder: Kipp-Zonen

Single channel currents:

  • Vibration free table: Newport Corporation

  • Stereomicroscope: Nikon, SMZ645

  • Micromanipulator: Newport

  • Computer: Dell computer with Microsoft windows XP (Microsoft)

  • Interface: Digidata 1322A

  • Software: Pclamp 9, Axon Instrument

  • Amplifier: Axopatch 200B, Axon instrument

Additional Equipment for pipette pulling and polishing

  • Sutter Instruments Co. Model P-97 Micropipette Puller

  • Micro Forge MF-80 Pipette polisher (Narishige, Japan)

High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

  • Shimadzu Diode array detector: Model #: M10 A VP

  • ESA CoulArray Detector: Model 5600A

  • ESA autosampler with Peltier temperature control: Model 542

  • Shimadzu System controller: Model #: SCL10 A VP

  • Shimadzu Auto Injector: Model #: SIL10 AD VP

  • Shimadzu Liquid Chromatograph: Model #: LC10 AT VP

  • Shimadzu Degasser: Model #: DGV14A

  • Shimadzu Column Oven: Model #: CTO10 AS VP

  • Shimadzu Pump Sub Controller: Model #: FCV10 AL VP

  • Dell Computer (To Control the HPLC)

  • ESA CoulArrayÒ software for data analysis

FlexiVent system (SCIREQ, Montreal, Canada) suitable for measuring elastance and input resistance in small animals (10g-45g) using the forced oscillation technique. An Aeroneb is also integrated into the system, for methacholine and other nebulizations. Vital signs (heart rate, invasive blood pressure, and temperature) probes are also available for routine monitoring.

Mouse oximeter (MouseOx) (STARR Life Sciences, Oakmont, PA), for measurement of oxygen saturation and respiratory rates non-invasively.

Facility for exposing rodents and cells to chlorine gas

Facility for delivering aerosolized agents via nose only exposure

Equipment available to all faculty in the Department of Anesthesiology:

  • Storage Phosphor Screen and Cassettes (GE Healthcare)

  • Storm 820 Imaging system (GE Healthcare)

  • Leitz DMRXA2 fluorescence microscope with Simple PCI imaging software