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Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center

Expanding cardiovascular growth in cutting-edge research, training, and outcomes.

The Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center (CCVC) is currently a pilot UWIRC working to position UAB as a premier institution for Cardiovascular research. This coordinated organizational vision fosters multi-disciplinary and multi-investigator collaborations and programmatic development.

Improving Detection, Treatment, and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Since its inception in 2012, the CCVC has supported, 15 pilot awards with center-specific RFAs soliciting a broad cross-section of CV research: basic, translational, and population science. This initiative has supported the Center's goal of research acceleration.

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Excelling in Graduate Medical Education

The CCVC played an essential role in the award of a new T32 post-doctoral training grant entitled “Basic and Translational Science in Heart Failure” (T32 HL129948), which supports post-doctoral fellows (both MD and PhD) broadly interested in heart failure research.

Promoting Multi-disciplinary, Collaborative Research Efforts

The CCVC provides an important institutional mechanism for promoting basic, translational and outcomes research, as well as for drug and biomarker development in partnership with small business and industry.

About Research

Colvin Senior Scientist  
Pediatric Cardiology