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Symposium Headline imageThe UAB Center for Exercise Medicine (UCEM), the UAB Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) and the UAB Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS) jointly hosted the "Precision-the genes and beyond" Interdisciplinary Research Symposium on September 15 and 16, 2022 at the Hill Student Center Ballrooms, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. Partnering with CEDHARS, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) sponsored lunch and photography for the event.

The Symposium had a turnout of 156 participants that comprised scientists, clinicians, students and trainees from various fields. It featured three keynote speakers from external universities, 14 UAB speakers, a trainee poster presentation competition, a flash talk competition and a networking reception. The networking event brought together professionals in exercise medicine, nutrition and obesity, and disability and rehabilitation sciences.

Sessions focused on nutrition, sleep and circadian rhythms, exercise-based therapies to improve disabilities and rehabilitation, therapy identification, adherence and behavior and multi-phase optimization strategy.

Keynote Speakers:

The Symposium’s keynote speakers were Lauren Ptomey, PhD, RD, LD, Associate Professor, Center for Physical Activity & Weight Management, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center; Daniel Beavers, PhD, Associate Professor of Statistical Sciences, Wake Forest University; and Rebecca Seguin-Fowler, PhD, RD, LD, CSCS, Associate Director, Healthy Living at the Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture & Professor of Nutrition, Chief Scientific Officer, Healthy Texas, Texas A&M University.

UAB Speakers

14 Speakers from various schools within UAB delivered 20-minute talks at the symposium. Scroll through the pictures for their talk titles.


Abstract Submission:
All attendees were invited to submit abstracts on basic, clinical, translational, and population science that are broadly related to one or more of the following: exercise medicine, nutrition and obesity, disability and rehabilitation sciences.

Flash talk Competition: 
The Symposium featured a flash talk competition, wherein, eight abstracts were selected prior to the symposium for an opportunity to present a 5-minute flash talk to the symposium audience. Abstracts submitted by the participants – with their research’s purpose, methods, results, conclusions, future directions, and acknowledgments – were reviewed by faculty judges prior to the symposium.

Poster Presentation Competition:
The symposium featured a poster presentation competition, highlighting the research of undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral trainees, and junior faculty. From the 38 participants, faculty judges selected 6 winners, and presented $750 travel award each to the flash talk winners, and $400 travel award each to the poster winners. The winners were:

Flash Talk Winners:
Keri Kemp, PhD (Postdoctoral fellow, UAB Nephrology)
Associations between dietary habits and gut microbiota composition in diverse adolescents

Natalie Davis (Graduate trainee, UAB Roberson lab)
Alzheimer’s disease risk factor BIN1 in parvalbumin interneurons

Samia O’Bryan, PhD
(Postdoctoral trainee, UAB CDIB)
Attenuated Thigh Lean Mass Gains in Older Adults in Response to High-Intensity

Poster Winners:
Angad Yadav, PhD (Postdoctoral fellow, UAB CDIB)
Metabolically-derived, post-translational protein modifications as determinants of muscle progenitor cell state and function

Huacong (Wendy) Wen, PhD (Postdoctoral fellow, UAB Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Experiences with COVID-19 pandemic in the spinal cord injury community in Alabama

Kristen Coutinho (Graduate trainee, UAB Cortes Lab)
Skeletal Muscle Overexpression of Transcription Factor E-B (TFEB) Supports Proteomic Changes Involved in Mitochondrial Metabolism During Aging

Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to all attendees!