Asif named to the Board of Directors for the ADFM
Irfan M. Asif, M.D., chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, has recently accepted a two-year appointment on the Board of Directors as chair of the Research Development Committee for the Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM). The ADFM is the premier organization shaping the landscape of family medicine.
Building Up the Medical Workforce One Student at a Time: AHEC Scholars and COVID-19
When a hospital or health care center experiences worker shortages, the impact can be far reaching. Shortages impact patient care, put strain on current employees and affect a hospital’s ability to make positive changes as it scrambles to complete daily tasks. The COVID-19 pandemic, including the most recent surge, has put even more pressure on health care systems and exacerbated many situations where shortages were already an issue.
Celebrating the 2020 Cahaba-UAB Graduates and New Residents
The Department of Family and Community Medicine would like to congratulate the 2020 Cahaba-UAB Family Medicine Residency graduates. Of the seven graduates, four participated in the rural track and three from the urban track. A celebration was held via Zoom on June 22 at 7 p.m.
Chair's Message: Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the social struggles that we are all facing in light of the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. Many of us are feeling and witnessing emotions of sadness, anger, and frustration, which can take on an entirely different meaning in the setting of the Deep South, where racial injustice and disparities have had a long history.
Experiencing UAB from the Other Side: Crystal Odom's Family Story
Written by: Kenia Hernandez
At 17 weeks pregnant, Crystal Odom and her family were packing to leave for Thanksgiving to Savannah, Georgia when she felt an intense amount of pressure and had to be rushed to UAB for an emergency cerclage due to an incompetent cervix, a condition that causes the cervix opens too soon during pregnancy.
Faculty highlights from the Annual AMSSM Meeting
The American Medical Society of Sports Medicine (AMSSM) is an organization dedicated to supporting growth in the sports medicine field. AMSSM offers educational resources, research opportunities, and collaboration among sports medicine physicians around the world. Irfan Asif, M.D., chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, has been involved with AMSSM since medical school.
Holistic Holiday Tips
This year has been a challenge, to say the least. Issues with working situations, worries about health, and trouble staying in touch with loved ones are just a few of the ways that 2020 has made life more difficult. While this time of year is typically marked with joy and excitement, as well as some stress, this year there are added tensions related to remaining safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pandemic Lessons Fuel Department Educators: Leadership at the 2022 STFM Conference on Medical Education
Though the pandemic brought many challenges to educators, virtual learning, virtual collaborating and the strain of a world crisis also created opportunities for faculty and staff members in the Department of Family and Community Medicine to focus on ways they could impact their students despite the distance.
Prioritizing a Team: How the Hoover Family and Community Medicine Clinic Achieves Its Goals Together
The UAB Hoover Family and Community Medicine Clinic, led by Sameera Davuluri, M.D., assistant professor and medical director, and Annie Shedlarski, R.N., nurse manager, consistently ranks among the best UAB outpatient clinics across the health system. Shedlarski knows why.
Wiederman discusses mindfulness on episode of UAB MedCast
In a recent episode of UAB MedCast, Michael Wiederman, Ph.D., director of leadership and professional development, discussed the benefits of practicing mindfulness and incorporating the practice into one's daily routine.