Displaying items by tag: division of preventive medicine

Monika M. Safford, M.D., helped shape the new Web tool for the National Diabetes Education Program, “Promoting Medication Adherence in Diabetes.”
UAB’s Karan Singh has been selected as an American Statistical Association Fellow and recognized as a foremost member in the field of statistical science.
A series of fascinating studies at Harvard University showed that many people respond positively to placebo pills — even when they are told that the pills don't have any active ingredients. Now researchers at UAB have partnered with a Harvard scientist to test these "open-label" placebos for the first time in cancer survivors.
The American Statistical Association Committee on Fellows selected Karan P. Singh, Ph.D., professor in the Division of Preventive Medicine, as a 2015 fellow for his outstanding contributions to the statistical profession.
Guest speaker and former Surgeon General Regina Benjamin among many who will see new approaches and successful models of current health-disparities research.
Associate Professor Stefan Kertesz, M.D., who directs a special primary care clinic for homeless veterans at the Birmingham VA Medical Center, spoke about ways ordinary people can make a difference in the world during a Dec. 8 TEDxBirmingham Salon exploring ideas about poverty in the community.
The “Birmingham REACH for Better Health” partnership aims to increase the number of people with access to healthy food and physical activity opportunities.
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