Created in 1996, the Argus Awards give medical students the chance to honor their mentors, professors, courses and course directors for outstanding service to medical education.
Since Dr. Ferniany, Dr. Bonner and I have asked you all to commit as partners in the UAB Medicine strategic plan, I want to share with you my personal goals under AMC21 to create an enriched environment for engagement, innovation and discovery in the School of Medicine.
First year medical students learned about health disparities and cultural competency at Diversity Boot Camp last week.
UAB professors who developed a new area of translational cardio-renal research are among 15 professors identified as today’s leaders in the field.
Caroline N. Harada, M.D., has been named assistant dean for Community Engaged Scholarship in the School of Medicine.
Peter L. Slavin, M.D., president of Massachusetts General Hospital, will present “The Future of Academic Medicine” on Thursday, Aug. 6.
Gates, a second-year medical student, is passionate about becoming a primary care physician. For her, pursuing a career in medicine means returning to her hometown of Aliceville, Ala. to care for the community where she grew up.
The challenge is to stifle the binding of inhibitory antibodies but retain activity of a blood enzyme.
Narrowing of aortic arch, infant’s otherwise good health prompt physicians to move Baby JJ’s Glenn procedure up one month.
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