Following a diagnosis of a disease he’d never heard of and couldn’t pronounce, a UAB grad student goes on the offensive.
A little more than a year since he suffered major injuries in the January 2014 snowstorm, Kelly Garner and his UAB orthopedics team were showing the world just how far he has come.
Donation from Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company and Protective Life Corporation will aid new disease-changing therapies in the ADDA pipeline.
National and local experts in biomedical engineering, neuroscience and rehabilitation will gather to examine the brain-machine interface as part of the UAB Bevill Neuroscience Symposium on Feb. 27.
Award given annually to top young professionals in Birmingham based on their contribution to their company, impact on the business world and role in their community.
Continued scientific discovery is one of the things that make providing—and receiving—patient care unique at academic medical centers like UAB. One way we’re going to continue our innovation is through informatics, the science of collecting, reporting and processing data and using that knowledge to enhance patient care and health.
Awards will be given in each year to one junior and one senior faculty member in the areas of service, teaching, research, diversity enhancement and mentorship.  All full-time faculty members are eligible for nomination.
Renowned UAB HPV expert Warner Huh says new nine-valent HPV vaccine has the potential to eradicate the majority of cervical cancer.
New research from UAB suggests not all strep throat is really strep throat, and attention must be paid to another bacterium that packs a nasty wallop.
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