An inside pitch and a slip off the bat deliver a potentially blinding blow -- and a message for vision safety.
Cynthia Owsley, Ph.D., MSPH, was named chair-elect of the Ethics and Regulations in Human Research Committee of ARVO, the Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology.
Supported by more than $2 million in federal grants, Cynthia Brown's research to improve mobility in hospitalized elders has won national acclaim.
Peter Pappas, M.D., is examining why cryptococcus, a fungal infection that many people acquire during childhood, can reactivate later in life with deadly consequences if goes undiagnosed.
School of Medicine Commencement ceremony is Sunday, May 18 in Bartow Arena. The doors open at noon; ceremony begins at 1 p.m.
On May 18, more than 160 medical students – and their families – will be able to take a collective sigh of relief at the School of Medicine’s commencement ceremony. Finally, they’re going to become doctors. 
The Valley Foundation was recently recognized as a Level 2 Patient-Centered Medical Home 2014, a national program to acknowledge patient-centered care and long-term participative relationships.
UAB Hospital's Department of Food & Nutrition Services is planning exciting changes for retail food service in the coming months.
The award is presented to a department whose faculty, fellows or residents published one of the most outstanding journal articles in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
UAB Professor Peter Pappas, M.D., a specialist in infectious disease, is among an inaugural group of non-government researchers selected to conduct clinical research at the nation's largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research.
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