Jeff Hansen
Researchers have received funding to seek and validate biomarkers for the progressive, inherited disease Friedreich’s ataxia, a life-shortening degenerative neuromuscular disorder.
Researcher X. Long Zheng, M.D., Ph.D., has received a five-year, $2.5 million National Institutes of Health grant to study the pathogenesis of thrombotic microangiopathy, or TMA.
UAB researchers discover a new protein interaction from the 1918 flu strain that may help influenza circumvent the host immune response that would fight viral infection.
UAB Biomedical Sciences graduate student Jennie Ann Hamilton is one of six people awarded a Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship by the Lupus Foundation of America.
Until now, no toxin had been found in 132 years of study for the deadly pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which infects 9 million people a year and kills more than 1 million. The novel toxin induces necrotic cell death of macrophages to help the tuberculosis pathogen escape and spread to other cells.
The challenge is to stifle the binding of inhibitory antibodies but retain activity of a blood enzyme.
The mimicry of bone cells by multiple myeloma is driven by overexpression of Runx2, the master regulator of bone formation.
The drug inhibits the activity of a kinase enzyme called LRRK2, and it showed no pathology in rat lungs, kidneys or livers.