Displaying items by tag: Department of Surgery

Fifty-first transplant means 102 total surgeries have been performed since December 2013 as the nation’s longest-ever chain continues to grow.
Narrowing of aortic arch, infant’s otherwise good health prompt physicians to move Baby JJ’s Glenn procedure up one month.
Herbert Chen, M.D., an internationally recognized surgeon-scientist and medical educator, has been named chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine and Surgeon-in-Chief of UAB Hospital.
Increased risk of major adverse cardiac events after the later surgery persists for one year.
Mary T. Hawn, M.D., and Robin G. Lorenz, M.D., Ph.D., recently completed fellowships in the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® program.
Kidney recipients infected only with HIV do as well as uninfected recipients, but HIV-infected recipients co-infected with hepatitis C virus have poorer outcomes.
Charles W. Hoopes, M.D., is the new chief of the Section of Thoracic Transplantation, where he will lead efforts in heart and lung transplantation, as well as artificial heart and lung devices.
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