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Latest News May 23, 2022

Hyndman KellyKelly Hyndman, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Division of Nephrology, has been awarded the 2022 Dean’s Excellence Award in Research. 

Hyndman has an impressive record of research accomplishments, leveraging her comparative physiology training to diversify her perspective on nephrology. She presently has over 50 publications, including editorship of a book on sodium and water homeostasis that has been downloaded 15,000 times. Three of her publications were included among the American Physiological Society’s select articles, an honor given to the best manuscripts published across thirteen peer-reviewed, primary research journals for that month. 

She has been selected as a permanent member of the NIH Study section on Kidney and Urological Systems Function and Dysfunction (KUFD) and serves regularly as a member and alternate chair of the VA Merit Nephrology study section. 

Hyndman’s research focuses on the mechanisms of histone deacetylase enzyme regulation of fluid-electrolyte balance and kidney health. In 2018, she was awarded the UAB Heersink School of Medicine Pittman Scholarship, which helped support her transition from a K01 to two R01’s as the principal investigator, demonstrating her ability to independently drive a strong research program. 

In 2022, Hyndman was awarded the Lazaro Young Investigator Award from the American Physiological Society which recognizes individuals who demonstrate the most outstanding promise in epithelial or renal physiology, a distinct honor awarded to the brightest stars in the field of physiology.  

Hyndman earned her Ph.D. at the University of Florida in 2008.    

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