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Latest News September 13, 2023

Momentum, Alabama’s premier leadership organization dedicated to advancing women leaders in the state of Alabama, announced the roster for its third class of Momentum Leaders in Medicine at UAB. This impressive list includes women leaders from a variety of roles, departments, and backgrounds within UAB Medicine.

Momentum classAs Alabama's largest public employer, UAB Medicine has far more women leaders than Momentum's traditional executive program can accommodate annually. Momentum Leaders in Medicine at UAB is a collaboration between Momentum and UAB Medicine's Leadership Development Office. The program runs in parallel to Momentum's executive leadership program in Birmingham, leveraging the same curriculum, world-class leadership experts, and network.

Women in health care face some unique challenges. Though 75% of the health care workforce is female, women represent just 44% of senior leadership and only 32% of the health care C-Suite, according to McKinsey & Company's Women in Healthcare report. “In addition to the gender bias, pay disparities, and lack of advancement opportunities that affect most industries,” says Momentum CEO April Benetollo, “women in health care generally have fewer opportunities to work remotely, feel pressure to prioritize work above all else, and suffer from burnout at higher rates.”

Since 2002, more than 550 Alabama women have traveled the Momentum path of self-discovery, vision casting, action planning, and community connection to become the best version of themselves. Now, senior leaders at UAB Medicine have access to the same Momentum path to find balance, increase fulfillment, and build relationships across a complex organization.

“UAB Medicine is engaged in this partnership with Momentum to ensure that more of our women leaders have access to this transformative leadership and networking opportunity,” says Jean Ann Larson, chief leadership development officer at UAB Health System and senior associate dean for leadership development at UAB’s Heersink School of Medicine. “Within the breadth and complexity of UAB Medicine, our participants are leveraging relationships and opportunities to learn and grow across the enterprise. It is wonderful to be able to provide this opportunity to our women leaders.”

The class members met for orientation Sept. 5, and the opening retreat will be held on Sept. 20. The class will follow a nine-month program of personal and professional development led by experts from around the country. The curriculum is a combination of soft skills and business skills required of leaders, presented through the female lens. Women routinely experience additional challenges as they advance in leadership. Momentum’s proven process of self-discovery, vision casting, action planning, and connecting to the community has delivered transformational change to women for more than 20 years.

Momentum Leaders in Medicine at UAB, class three, members

Lynne Class
Interim vice president, Perioperative Services

Gena Dunivan
Division director, Urogynecology; vice chair of Faculty Development and Mentorship, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Donna Dye
Senior director, Ambulatory Services

Cameron Earnhardt
Construction lawyer, UAB Office of Counsel

Doreni Fleming
Senior director, Highlands Nursing and Department of Interprofessional Practice and Training, UAB Highlands Nursing Administration

Laurie Hunter
Senior director, Ambulatory Services, Medicine Ambulatory Services

Alexis Lawrence
Administrative director, Dean’s Office, Heersink School of Medicine

Brenessa Lindeman
Associate professor and vice chair of Education, Department of Surgery

Ashley Lovingood
Senior director, O’Neal Cancer Center Service Line

Christy Nation
Senior director, Women and Infants Services

Lauryn Schultz
Senior administrator, Clinical Affairs Medicine

Dorothea Staursky
Manager, Strategic Initiatives, O’Neal Cancer Center Service Line

Kemberly Williams
Senior director, External Ambulatory Clinic, Ambulatory Services

Kelley Williams
Senior director, Ambulatory Services, Perioperative Services Ambulatory Services

Megan Yeatts
Executive administrator, Department of Ophthalmology


Release originally from Momentum

About Momentum
Momentum, a well-established 501(c)(3) organization, identifies top-level candidates and addresses the challenges facing women in leadership roles. Through skills-based training and mentoring, Momentum builds the capabilities of Alabama’s women leaders through intensive leadership training for senior leaders, top-level managers, and early-career professionals. A vigorous one-to-one mentoring program gives participants access to a pool of highly respected, experienced senior leaders for individualized problem solving, as well as personal and professional development. For more information about annual leadership classes, community events, mentoring programs, mission work and more, please visit www.MomentumLeaders.org.

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