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Latest News September 26, 2023

Jason Noah webJason Noah, director of Student Success Programs in the Department of Medical Education, has been selected as a recipient of the inaugural Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff.

“It is a tremendous honor to be among the inaugural Dean’s Excellence Award for Staff recipients,” Noah says. “Receiving this nomination speaks to the overwhelmingly supportive environment I have been part of in the Department of Medical Education and Medical Student Services. Being able to grow and develop in this department and office has contributed to me receiving this opportunity, and for that, I will always be grateful.”

Noah has provided transformational leadership in the Learning Communities (LC) program at UAB Heersink School of Medicine. He created a student leadership program to ensure that UAB Learning Communities were student-centered with high levels of student engagement. Through his success in this area, UAB Heersink School of Medicine has become a national model for student leadership in learning communities; UAB medical students were invited to present Heersink School of Medicine’s model last year at the Learning Communities Institute (LCI) national meeting.

Noah’s leadership abilities have also been nationally recognized, serving on the leadership council of the LCI since 2015, as co-chair of the LCI national meeting in 2017, and as the first non-faculty chair of the LCI organization from 2020-2022.

Caroline Harada, M.D., associate professor of Medicine and associate dean for Strategic Initiatives, nominated Noah for this honor. “Jason has mentored hundreds, if not thousands, of students through challenging professional moments in their training, including orientation to medical school and the residency application process,” she notes. “He has met with hundreds of students for residency interview practice sessions and has created a formal leadership development program for our student senate members. In spite of having achieved so many accolades at the national and institutional level, Jason remains humble and team-oriented in all he does. He is a leader, an educator, and a role model for integrity and humility.”

The Heersink School of Medicine Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff recognize and honor individual Heersink staff members who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments and significantly supported Heersink’s core mission areas of education, clinical care, and research.

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